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Sunday, 3 January 2010

Free Payoneer Debit Card For Paypal Verified

Free Payoneer Debit Card For Paypal Verified

easy steps to get a free MasterCard

* Register
* Finish filling the identity
* Follow Affiliate
* Create Accounts on Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard is a friendship site to communicate with millions of members from all over the world. Profits than we can be friends all over the world can our website promotion on the forums, join the affiliate program pays 1 USD per refferal and Debit Mastercard Free paypal accepted. For the record this as the advertiser is no doubt the certainty of payment.
In order for registration does not fail to do according to the steps below:
Step 1:

* Click the image below to register

* Then click the Join Now!
* Fill in your data completely.
* I am a: Man if you're a man, if you're a woman Woman
* Interested in meeting a: Man if you want to find / make friends with a man, woman to woman, or you can choose both.
* For: Friendship (friends), Dating (dating), Serious relationship (serious relationship), Marriage (married), you can choose more than one, select it also.
* Birth date: Date of birth
* Country: Indonesia
* Zip / Postal code: Clear it if you are than Americans (U.S. only)
* Email Address: Your email
* Username: your username (4 to 16 characters)
* Then click the Click Here and Have Fun
Step 2:

* City: City where you live
* Closest City: looking for the nearest town in the list
* State: Your Province
* Your Height: Your height
* Your Body Type: Type your body
* Your Race: Your race or tribe you are if Indonesia is Asia
* Marital Status: Marital status you
* Your Religion: Religion You
* Your Education: Your last Education
* Your Occupation: Your job, if your staff eg staff, Business entrepreneurs etc if you are.
* Introduction Title: Title of yourself, you can create a Romantic Man From Indonesia or I Love Sport & Traveling, etc. (minimum 10 characters)
* Tell others about yourself: Tell me about yourself, preferably in English, for example: I am a good women, I like traveling and my hobbies reading, computers, sports, and others, I love her new friend or women, (minimum 50 characters)
If you already have photos uploaded your photos, click browse and find the file containing your photos. If you do not have a clear fota you can first, then later on you can fill again.
* After that click: Click to Join FriendFinder.
* Your email open and click: Activate Now, Then you've activated
Then Close your browser.

Step 3:

* List Affiliate: Click Here!
* Enter the username and password data (according to data sent to the email), click Login
* See the bottom of the page / footer, click Webmasters, Earn Money!
* Click Affiliate Signup.
* Fill the data correctly.
* Preferred Program: Pick No. 1
* First Name: Your Name
* Last Name: Your Last Name
* URL: Website / blog you, (you must fill)
* Desired Password: Password you want to reply, different login passwords from email
* Preferred Newsletter Language: Indonesia
* Email Address: Enter your email
* Secondary Email Address: Your email others, be empty
* Checks Payable To: your full name as ID
* Street Address: Your Address as ID
* City: City where you live according to ID
* State / Province: Province
* Country: Indonesia
* ZIP / Postal Code: Postal Code
* What is your business tax classification? Empty, (especially Americans)
* Tax ID or Social Security Number: Clear, (especially Americans)
* Phone Number: No. Your tel (example: 62247600XXX or 628112766XXX)
* Which Instant Messenger do you use? Select only None
* Use ePassporte: Select all No
* Please give us your comments: Make a brief comment (example: Goodsite, I Like it)
* Click: Click Here for the Last Step
* Click: small box imaginable writing: Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement ... ...
* Click: Submit
* Click: Account Information
* Click: Click here to update your information.
* Click: Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard ®. You will be directed to a
* FriendFinder page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card.
Step 4:

* Fill your data in a complete Payoneer.
* You will receive a confirmation email from Payoneer
* After you Fill wait approximately 30 days your card until your home
* After your debit card until then follow the instructions aktivasilah imaginable disurat reply sent along with your card

Payoneer Mastercard Debit Uses:

* For paypal verification, a minimum balance of $ 2
* Receive payment affiliate program (friendfinder salahsatunya), money can be in drag at an ATM or MASTERCARD CIRRUS logo worldwide
* To garnish wallet hehehe ...

source: web


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