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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

5 Alasan Mengapa Memiliki Vespa bagian I

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


“Sembra Una Vespa!!” demikian kata yang terlontar dari seorang Enrico Piaggio, ketika motor rancangan Corradino D’Ascanio itu jadi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, motor vespa menjadi begitu melegenda. Sedert artis ternama menjadikan vespa sebagai daftar koleksinya. Tak ayal, berapa jenis film yang menggunakan kendaraan vespa sebagai temanya. Tidak hanya itu, vespa-pun menjadi trendsetter, bahkan meng-influence orang hingga melahirkan kultur baru. Geliat fashion, design hingga musik terinspirasi dari si lebah Itali bernama vespa. Berikut himpun 5 alasan mengapa seseorang harus meimiliki vespa:

1. Mengendarai Sang Legenda

Kalau orang ditanya, siapa sih pionir skuter di dunia? Jawabannya pasti, Vespa atau Lambretta. Sebagai pionir yang menjadi legenda, vespa menjadi inspirasi bagi produsen-produsen skuter yang ada sekarang. Kehadirannya menjadi ikon tersendiri. Tema vintage dalam berbagai ide design yang tentunya berbau klasik, selalu memgingatkan siapapun pada sosok Vespa.

2. Menjadi Trendsetter

Sederet ikon design, bintang terkenal, bahkan artis papan atas dunia, seperti Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Naomie Watts, Owen wilson atau orang-orang seperti Mickey Rourke dan bahkan John Wayne dan Wanita seksi seperti Sharon Stone, atau Paris Hilton, terlihat lekat dengan si lebah Itali Vespa. Mungkin Anda tidak dapat memiliki mobil yang sama dengan apa yang dimiliki oleh mereka, tapi setidaknya Anda memiliki skuter yang sama dengan mereka, yakni Vespa.

3. Fashionable

Anda mungkin pernah mengenal Mod? Sebuah subkultur yang berkembang di Inggris pada dasawarsa ’60-an. Dari Skuter, Musik sampai Fashion menjadi element wajib yang mereka gunakan. Geliat fashionista ala mod juga berkembang pesat, seiring digandrunginya Vespa oleh banyak kawula muda dunia. Ada beberapa dress code wajib pengagum mod dunia, yang begitu kental dengan ikon Vespa. Merek-merek terkenal seperti; Ben Sherman, Baracuta (Jacket Harrington), Fred Perry, Adidas, sampai Parkha Jacket (M65, M50) tentara Amerika, siap mewarnai penampilan Anda dalam ber-Vespa-ria.

4. Romantis

Kata banyak orang, mengendarai Vespa dengan pasangan tercinta adalah “It’s a romantic moment”. Dengan posisi berboncengan yang aduhai, dengan kecepatan yang relatif santei menjadikan suasana makin romantis. Apalagi jika tujuan yang kita tuju adalah sebuah taman terbuka di daerah pegunungan. Berbekal keranjang piknik set seperti minuman juice, roti isi, potato dan sehelai kain sebagai alas, dijamin Anda semakin jatuh cinta dengan pasangan Anda. Tentunya si Vespa, menjadi latar belakangnya bukan!

5. Banyak Teman

Cobalah sekali-kali menggunakan Vespa. Kalau tidak anggukan, lambaian tangan, klakson, hingga kedipan lampu, akan mewarnai perjalanan Anda, jika berpapasan dengan sesama pengguna Vespa lainnya. Jangan khawatir jika motor Anda mogok di jalan, karena seseorang yang tidak Anda kenal sekalipun, akan menghampiri Vespa Anda dan menawarkan bantuan. Itulah persaudaraan yang kental diantara sesama pengguna Vespa. Karena dengan ber-Vespa, Anda sedang menuai pertemanan pada intinya.(**)

Sumber: Dari berbagai sumber,, Januari 2012

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Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete document Quick Response YM,

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Thursday, 26 January 2012

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.
Price Rp 14.000.000
 Nego Thin (Price Worth), Because of the complete letter and maintained.
Prices will be change at any time
without Notification

Friday, 20 January 2012

Conflict 1965 History Birth of Vespa Super

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


In January 1965, Australia agreed to send troops to Borneo after receiving many requests from Malaysia. Australian troops included 3 Royal Australian Regiment and the Australian Special Air Service Regiment. There are about fourteen thousand British and Commonwealth forces in Australia at the time.

Officially, British and Australian troops could not follow attackers over the Indonesian border. However, units like the Special Air Service, both Britain and Australia, signed in secret (see Operation Claret). Australia acknowledges these incursions in 1996.

In mid 1965, Indonesia began to use his official army. On June 28, they crossed the border into eastern Sebatik Island near Tawau, Sabah and dealing with Askar Malay Regiment and the King Police In North Borneo Armed Constabulary.

In the same year the Vespa also fought master automotive market by removing some of these variants

  1. Vespa 50N

  2. Vespa 90 Super Sprint

  3. Vespa 125

  4. Vespa 125 Super

  5. Vespa 150 Super
  6. Vespa 180 Super Sport

Towards the end of 1965, General Suharto came to power in Indonesia after the course of the coup. Because of this domestic conflict, Indonesian desire to continue the war with Malaysia to be reduced and the battle subsided.

On May 28, 1966 at a conference in Bangkok, the Kingdom of Malaysia and the Indonesian government announced a settlement of the conflict. Violence ended in June, and the peace agreement signed on August 11 and was inaugurated two days kemudian.Namun Motors Vespa produced in that year can still be encountered to date ini.Sunguh vehicle reminiscent of the bloody conflict at that time.



Author Book Bunda Tahan Banting Tips Jadi Ibu Rumah Tangga Penting & jago berbisnis.
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Info money & Vespa clasic

Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM,
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Konflik 1965 tonggak lahirnya Vespa Super

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


Pada Januari 1965, Australia setuju untuk mengirimkan pasukan ke Kalimantan setelah menerima banyak permintaan dari Malaysia. Pasukan Australia menurunkan 3 Resimen Kerajaan Australia dan Resimen Australian Special Air Service. Ada sekitar empat belas ribu pasukan Inggris dan Persemakmuran di Australia pada saat itu.

Secara resmi, pasukan Inggris dan Australia tidak dapat mengikuti penyerang melalu perbatasan Indonesia. Tetapi, unit seperti Special Air Service, baik Inggris maupun Australia, masuk secara rahasia (lihat Operasi Claret). Australia mengakui penerobosan ini pada 1996.

Pada pertengahan 1965, Indonesia mulai menggunakan pasukan resminya. Pada 28 Juni, mereka menyeberangi perbatasan masuk ke timur Pulau Sebatik dekat Tawau, Sabah dan berhadapan dengan Resimen Askar Melayu Di Raja dan Kepolisian North Borneo Armed Constabulary.

Pada tahun yang sama Vespa juga berperang menguasai Pasar otomotif dengan mengeluarkan beberapa Varian berikut ini

  1. Vespa 50N

  2. Vespa 90 Super Sprint

  3. Vespa 125

  4. Vespa 125 Super

  5. Vespa 150 Super
  6. Vespa 180 Super Sport

Menjelang akhir 1965, Jendral Soeharto memegang kekuasaan di Indonesia setelah berlangsungnya kudeta. Oleh karena konflik domestik ini, keinginan Indonesia untuk meneruskan perang dengan Malaysia menjadi berkurang dan peperangan pun mereda.

Pada 28 Mei 1966 di sebuah konferensi di Bangkok, Kerajaan Malaysia dan pemerintah Indonesia mengumumkan penyelesaian konflik. Kekerasan berakhir bulan Juni, dan perjanjian perdamaian ditanda tangani pada 11 Agustus dan diresmikan dua hari kemudian.Namun Motor Vespa yang diproduksi pada tahun tersebut masih bisa kita jumpai sampai saat ini.Sunguh kendaraan yang mengingatkan pada Konflik berdarah saat itu.



Author Book Bunda Tahan Banting Tips Jadi Ibu Rumah Tangga Penting & jago berbisnis.
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Info money & Vespa clasic

Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM,
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Fan FB, IndahFashion

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Vespa History 2

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


Vespa go to Indonesia in 1960 through the ATPM (Single Agent Brand) PT Danmotors Vespa Indonesia / Jakarta Pulogadung DVI in the now no longer active (now held by PT Sentra Creative Commerce / SKN as primary dealers only. Note: Not importer or exclusive distributor).

Vespa when it has a very high prestige, as evidenced by the price of vespa when it's equivalent to the price of a standard type houses. Along with Honda's penetration into the market who helped destabilize various world brand motorcycles, Indonesia was not spared from this phenomenon. The Vespa became one motorcycle brand that 'displaced' by the Japanese motorcycle, though at first vespa Sprint's current price is even slightly more expensive than the Honda CB 200 Twin Disc who was then the most expensive Honda.

There are many studies why Vespa difficulties in Indonesia to boost both the quantity from the beginning until today.
  • Actually, the Vespa market segmentation is not too reserved for the upper middle class (can be seen on the price list above) because there are several other types of motor brand is much more expensive so the price is not an excuse. Perhaps more because of the typical Vespa apparently only liked certain people only.
  • Prestige Vespa also down because there are pharmaceutical companies that use the Vespa as a vehicle operations that resulted in consumers reluctant to use the Vespa because it would not pass for drug sellers.
  • Vespa along with most other classic motorcycles Japanese motorcycles worldwide displaced by more efficient, practical, and inexpensive while the Vespa does not offer a model of technological change and significant.
  • The condition most of the Vespa in Indonesia today many are not maintained. If we see a guided motorcycle on the road because of a strike, it is almost always assured Vespa. Automatic perception of the quality of the public viewed the lower vespa, no matter how expensive it was. Survey of Professional Services with SWA MarkPlus in 5 major cities in Indonesia showed that the perception of the quality of the Vespa is under Honda and Yamaha.
One of the restoration effort by the brand image is, perhaps, is to issue a three-wheeled Vespa luxury lux valuable design equivalent of a car.
Vespa Congo
Vespa Vespa Kongo is an award from the government of Indonesia to the Indonesian Peacekeeping Force contingent stationed in Congo at the time. Forces named Garuda Contingent (Konga abbreviated or Garuda Force) who were taken into account in the world than any other country's peacekeepers are soldiers of the Indonesian National Army assigned as peacekeepers in other countries. Indonesia began sending troops to participate as part of a peacekeeping force the UN since 1957 . Initially, when Indonesia became independent on August 17 ​​1945 , Egypt's direct foreign ministers hold meeting states the Arab League and is the first country to recognize Indonesia's sovereignty by coming directly to the capital city of Indonesia at the time of Yogyakarta . To return the favor of Egypt and the Arab League, President Sukarno's reply to the defense of Arab countries in international forums with visiting Egypt and Saudi Arabia in 1956 and Iraq in April 1960.
In 1956, when the UN General Assembly decided to withdraw its troops Britain , France and Israel from the territory of Egypt, Indonesia supports the decision and for the first time the UN Peacekeeping Force sent to Egypt, called the Garuda Contingent Konga I or I.
Konga II sent to the Congo in 1960 under the mission UNOC by 1074 the number of troops, serving in Congo September 1960 to May 1961.
Konga III sent to the Congo in 1962 under the mission UNOC by 3457 the number of troops, consisting of 531/Raiders Battalion, units Kodam II / Bukit Barisan, 7th Cavalry Battalion, and combat support elements, served until the end of 1963. Menpangad Lt. Gen. Ahmad Yani 've been to the headquarters of the United Nations Force in Congo (then called Zaire) on May 19, 1963.
After completing the task of peace-heavy, Garuda Force received a token of appreciation from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of Vespa (other sources say there are also awards in the form of money and a few crates sewing needle). In the market there are known Vespa contingent Congo in 1963 to 2 and 3. Less well known is contingent first got it, because such information is not easily obtained. An interesting and unknown to many people, giving Vespa is not separated from the military tradition in the world in terms of rank. Green Vespa 150cc intended for soldiers of higher rank level, followed by yellow and blue Vespa 125cc to a lower rank levels.

In addition to distinguish it from vespa vespa other one type, the number sign pinned soldier concerned on the left side of the handlebar (the handlebar) oval-shaped material made of brass and an accompanying plaque. So berseliweranlah-vespa vespa is in the streets so that Vespa with a round ass is known to most people as the Vespa Kongo, while some others were generalized by the name Vespa ndog (egg) because the right side of his left round like an egg.

Vespa Congo is not produced in Italy but in Germany. With raw material of steel plate harder than generally rounded Vespa, Vespa has a level of completeness is more than the Italian-made Vespa commonly circulating in Indonesia (VBB1T and VBB2T).
Jacob Oswald Hoffmann is a German who contributed include Vespa to Germany. Vespa collaboration with Hoffmann broke early in 1955 because Hoffmann to design their own sports model. Then Vespa collaboration with Messerschmitt Co.. which then issued its first Vespa production in 1955 as well. They released two models of the Vespa GS which in Indonesia is often referred to as the GS version of the German and 150 Touren. They also provide after sales service and spare parts for Vespa production of Hoffmann. This cooperation continued until late 1957. Vespa GmbH Augsburg later was incorporated in 1958 as a joint venture between Piaggio and Martial Fane Organisation, this joint venture and also provide some parts for Vespa Messerschmitt. When working with this Vespa Augsburg ordered Congo to Indonesia.
Both models are made when teamed with Messerchmitt (150 Touren and GS) and then developed with some modifications. In addition Vespa GmbH Augsburg also gave birth to 125 cc Vespa was first introduced in 1958. Production continued until 1963, which is at the peak of scooters and produced changes that are not too many. Furthermore, the Germans chose only import directly from the Italian Vespa.
Characteristic of Vespa Congo:
1. Spakboard round no seams like a Vespa general.
2. Ring (rim / drum) 10 inches.
3. Got a bulge like a button / switch on the connection clutch (handlebar position on the left).
4. Speedometer & a rather large box (unlike the speedometer VNA / VNB).
5. There's eagle emblem on the left front body (now rarely available).
6. On top of the speedometer there is a small light like a lamp chili.
7. Engine number starts with VGLB code.
8. In the article listed BPKB ex Garuda Brigade III.

Vespa PX
The Vespa PX is one of the legends of the scooter manufacturer Piaggio Italy. Piaggio Vespa PX first produced in 1975 with a variant of 125 cc, 150 cc and 200 cc 2 stroke engine manual transmission. PX production period lasting up to 33 years, was halted in 2008 because they did not meet exhaust emission standards.

In the following year that berbodi PX LML Star-engined 2-stroke and 4 stroke LML produced based in India to fill the demand for European and American markets. LML had cooperated with Piaggio's production since 1984 until 1999.

Piaggio through a media release says it will produce Vespa PX back in 2011, even at the EICMA Show in Milan Vespa PX go on display. Piaggio Vespa PX will produce 125 and 150 2-stroke engine uses the same design with the previous PX. Changes only to the use of better materials seater, adding electric starter in addition to the kick starter, and head lamp lighter. Faced with this plan states do not worry because LML LML priced cheaper than the PX, but it plans to produce LML LML star with fuel injection.
The new saddle for the Vespa PX has a completely new design and upholstery, ideal for berboncengan, accommodate riders of all statures, and offer comfort and vehicle control. PX typical front suspension which is an intrinsic part of the Vespa to work with coil spring and dual effect hydraulic shock absorbers provide a unique driving. Machine 'classical' single-cylinder 125cc and 150cc 2-stroke Vespa riders ready melesatkan every PX2011. Engine temperature is maintained with forced air cooling. Ignition CDI relies on the electric starter and a leg. Typical four-speed manual gearbox Vespa PX clearly be the most tempting for those adrenaline scooter lovers who would rather beat.
While other brands busy developing motor design that is different from before (sometimes even the same machine given body design that changed), a company under the Piaggio Vespa is still maintaining its style. Vespa PX with a distinctive shape, however, has gained the hearts of his fans.
Vespa Sprint
Created by Vespa Sprint Vespa from 1965 to 1979. Comes in two versions. The first time out was named Vespa Sprint, drawn up in 1974. The next model is called the Vespa Sprint Veloce, built 1969 to 1979, so they never went out together from 1969 until 1974.
Sprint Veloce is the biggest update in the engine. The design is modified from the design length of the two ports with the addition of a third transfer port on the top end. The compression ratio also increased from the 7.5:1 Vespa Sprint to 7. 7: 1 at Vespa Sprint Veloce.
The original model did not have lights reting / signal but Sprint Veloce finally exported all to the U.S. after 1973 have reting lights as standard equipment to satisfy U.S. regulations. Bajaj Chetak , produced by India, is a duplicate Vespa Sprint. Therefore, until now every part of the spare parts can still be found in the new conditions in the former market.
Almost every corner of the appearance of enlarged Vespa Vespa Sprint 150 generally output the decade 1960 (VNA / VNB / VBB / VBC) with the specifications on the wider tires (3.50X10 "), box on the left and right as well as larger than the Vespa fender super class; capacity of 145.45 cc 2-stroke; single cylinder; cooler air; 4-speed; Ignition coil; front and rear drum brakes; Wheelbase 1200 mm Weight 89 kg dry; tank capacity 7.7 liters (1.4-liter reserve) Fuel Consumption 2.1km / 100km (APX), and turning radius 1400 mm.
Vespa Sprint has the initial appearance that almost resembles a Vespa Grand Lux and some argue that vespa sprint is a spec-drop of the Vespa GL.

Vespa 150 Sprint body skeleton together with products for Vespa GL, but with a touch of new colors namely silver metallic. In the wings (fenders) the right of the word Vespa Sprint pinned tilt composed of two lines with italic style handwritting is made ​​from a kind of mixture of aluminum that bluish effect. As do the words on the back, written 150 Sprint arrayed oblique lines that made ​​one and the same material as the front and is situated slightly above the rear lights.
There are straight striping made ​​of aluminum on the front fender, trunk boxes and boxes of parallel machines at the left side. With oval-shaped handlebar lock, Vespa 150 Sprint uses two types of seats according to the demand of the seat models (sadle) dual (driver and passenger) and dark blue upholstery length (single-seater).
Krum plated parts are bolt handle of the front brake and clutch handles, horn, house the rear lights, ring headlights, handlebar lock, caps lock key handlebar and trunk lid box. Colored layer of zinc contained in the parts like the standard, the shock front, all bolts and nuts and covered like a clutch.
Phosphorus accented part and the rear shock covers, including springs, bolts and murnya, as well as the front. Subtle touch of metal found on the handle of the front brake and clutch, rear brake pedal, hanging items, tiger nails, comb front, selahan, keys (pengkait) box engine, gasoline faucet handles, and trim the front wing. Part and nuanced stainless lis is the home switch and the carpet was made ​​of rubber.
Handlebar (the handlebar) models such as GL and Super box and oval speedometer, while the serial number etched into the body Vespa 150 Sprint luggage box on the left below the 1001-VLB1T VLB1T code 1205477 and engine number in the chicken thighs near the engine exhaust pipeline begins with the code VLB1M . Other parts which have some impressive color covers aluminum alloy wheels, front and rear drum, close the fan, the front fork. Meanwhile, anti-rust coating color is gray.

Produced between 1969 to 1979 Vespa Sprint 150 Veloce engine designed more powerful than the Vespa 150 Sprint. Where one of them is by ditanamkannya carburetor carburetor filter size 20/20 and enlarged.
Other changes are on a larger exhaust that produces a different sound than the previous series. With the engine reaches top speed 97km / h, body size Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce with Vespa 150 Sprint. Veloce has a new model in the form of headlights rounded the circle of 130mm and is protected by a ring accent lights Krum. There is a small lamp which is connected with the front lights, the green is surrounded by a ring of aluminum at the top of the speedometer handlebar.
Speedometerpun contrast changes compared with the Vespa 150 Sprint. Veloce speedometer is designed as a last serie Super Vespa model in the form of smaller (clamshell), has a white color fascia with the maximum number indicated 120 km / h.
Similarly, the Vespa 150 Sprint, veloce has a new logo in the form of hexagonal model (laddie) tersematkan replace the logo in front of P / as serie Vespa previous output.
By not include re-striping aluminum contained on the front fender and left-right box. At the beginning of production, model handgrip veloce light gray with Piaggio hexagonal symbol in it. At the time of the trip production color replaced black handgrip and rubber speedometer is also left-right box.
Rear lights are a big box-shaped body as if protruding from the rear red reflector lights with fused inside and protected by a lid made ​​of plastic material on the top color in the same breath with the body color.
On the development front and motif writing belakangpun changed. Vespa writing using the front of the font that is more firmly accented Krum where each letter as if united by a plate of finely spotted and black with a horizontal position. Meanwhile, on the back written vespa accented v. Krum was framed embossed with elongated rectangular shape where the base of a post, finely speckled with black horizontal position. As for the material and material from the text the same as the previous series.
Krum layer found on the parts that include ring headlamps, handlebar caps lock and trunk lock box. Accented zinc coating found on the standard, and a front Shockbreaker, bolts and nuts, and presneleng tub lid. Phosfor accents adorn the rear shock (including springs, bolts and nuts), a standard part of the machine bolts and nuts. Impression of a smooth metal color found on the handle of the front brake and clutch, rear brake pedal, hanger goods, combs fender, selahan, lock box machine, nails and puteran key tiger tank. Meanwhile, a layer of stainless impressed at the home switch and rubber carpet trim middle.
The body serial number Vespa Sprint Veloce 150 engraved on the left below the trunk box with a code-VLB1T VLB1T 0150001 0368119. In the development along with the changes that occur in some parts as mentioned above, serial numbers moving body position to the right box the same machine as the products piaggio 1980'an era.
However, engine number remains in the chicken thigh near the engine exhaust pipeline. The other part is who has the color of aluminum alloy wheels, drum, fan cover, front fork, and anti-rust coating color is gray.
Along with the colors of life 1970'an generation known as the flower generation, Piaggio capture this spirit through the application of bright colors in the product Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce. If at the Vespa 150 Sprint only available one color only (silver metallic), not the case with the Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce.
Veloce from year to year have the option of different colors are as follows: silver metallic 1969-1970, 1970-1971 blue, white metallic moon 1971-1972, 1972-1973 red, green Ascott 1973-1975, 1975-1976 valombrossa green, marine blue and 1976-1979 gray polaris.

Here is a difference in the accompanying specification with Vespa Vespa 150 Sprint 150 Sprint Veloce:
Production: 1965-1974
  • Engine: single cylinder, 2-stroke
  • cylinder bore: 57.0 mm
  • piston stroke: 57.0 mm
  • cubic capacity: 145.45 cc
  • bhp at rpm: 2 / 4800
  • lubrication: 2%
  • carburetor: Dell'Orto SHB 16/10
  • gears: 4
  • chassis: one-piece metal pressing
  • Tank Capacity: 7.7 litres (1.97 U.S. gallons)
  • mileage: 2.1 l/100Km (112mpg)
  • tires: 3.5 x 10 "
  • weight: 89 kg (172lbs)
  • max. speed: 94 km / h (57mph)
  • Engine scheme: VLB1M
  • VIN scheme: 1001-1205477 VLB1T
Production: 1969-1979
  • Engine: single cylinder, 2-stroke
  • Cylinder bore: 57 mm
  • Piston stroke: 57 mm
  • cubic capacity: 145.45 cc
  • bhp at rpm: 8 / 5000
  • lubrication: 2%
  • carburetor: Dell'Orto SI 20/20
  • gears: 4
  • chassis: one-piece metal pressing
  • Tank Capacity: 7.7 litres (2 U.S. gallons)
  • mileage: 2.08 l/100Km (113mpg)
  • tires: 2.75 x 9 "
  • weight: 89 kg (178lbs)
  • max. speed: 97km / h (59mph)
  • VIN scheme: VLB1T 150001-368119
Vespa Sprint has a high carrying capacity that is aligned with its speed and be excellent in the 1970s Vespa prodk affordable compared to other special series at the time.
Until recently, has brought in dozens of variants Vespa in Indonesia. From the oldest to most recent exist in Indonesia. However, the rise of exports Vespa (Vespa especially parents who have considered antique) to some extent reduce the population in Indonesia Vespa.

Vespa model
There are 138 Vespa models with different versions. Currently, there are 5 series are produced, namely: the classic PX with manual transmission and the modern CVT transmission S, LX, GT, and GTS.
  • Paperino - The first prototype model made in 1945 in Biella
  • Vespa 150 TAP -Vespa modified by the French military, combined with anti-tank weapons
  • VNC Super 125
  • VBC Super 150
  • VLB Sprint 150
  • VBA Standard 150
  • VBB Standard 150
  • 125 GT
  • V9A
  • VNA
  • VNB 125
  • Vespa U - U for utilitaria (English = economic). Model 1953 with a price of 110 mila Lire (about U.S. $ 175), 7,000 units have been produced.
  • GS 150
  • GS 160
  • SS 180
  • Standard 90 (3 spd)
  • Standard 50 (3 spd)
  • SS50 (4 spd)
  • SS90 (4 spd) -90 SS Super Sprint
  • 150 GL
  • 90 Racer
  • TS 125
  • 100 Sport
  • 125 GTR
  • 150 Sprint
  • 150 Sprint Veloce ( Vespa Sprint )
  • 180 SS Super Sport
  • Rally 180
  • Rally 200
  • Nuova 125 (VMA-1T) - Predecessor Primavera
  • Primavera 125 also ET3 (3 port version)
  • PK 50
  • PK 50 XL
  • PK 50 Roma (Matic)
  • 50 S
  • 50 Special
  • 50 Special Elestart
  • 50 Sprinter / 50 SR (D)
  • 50 Special Revival (Produced in limited numbers, only 3,000 units for the domestic Italian, was released in 1991)
  • COSA 1-125 cc, 150 cc, 200 cc
  • COSA 2-125 cc, 150 cc, 200 cc
  • P 80 / P 80 E (France)
  • P 80 X / PX 80 E (France)
  • PK 80 S / Elestart
  • PK 80 S Automatic / Elestart
  • PK 100 S / Elestart
  • PK 100 S Automatic
  • PK 100 XL
  • PK 125 XL / Elestart
  • PK 125 S
  • PK 125 E
  • PK 125 Automatic (automatic transmission)
  • P 125 X
  • PX 125 E / Electric
  • P 200 E
  • PX 200 E FL
  • PX 200 Serie Speciale (limited edition only 400 units for the UK)
  • T5 / Elestart (5 port engine 125 cc P series)
  • T5 Classic (5 port engine 125 cc P series)
  • T5 Millennium (5 port engine 125 cc P series) (Also a limited edition of only 400 units for the UK)
  • ET2 50-2, no
  • ET4 50-4 - not
  • ET4 125 (European Model)
  • ET4 150 (European Model)
  • ET4 150 (U.S. Model)
  • ET8 150 (Model East)
  • GT 125 (Grand Turismo 125)
  • GT 200 (Grand Turismo 200)
  • GTS 250ie
  • GTS 250 Super - Only sold in a short period in America where the 278cc engine used on the Type 300 Super is not approved for public use. Soon after it was replaced by the type of the GTS 300 Super.
  • PX 125
  • PX 150 (introduced back to the United States and Canada in 2004)
  • PX 200
  • LX 50
  • LX 125
  • LX 150
  • LXV 50 (a variant of LX50 in commemoration of its 60th anniversary)
  • LXV 125 (a variant of LX125 in commemoration of its 60th anniversary)
  • GT 60 ° 250 cc Limited Edition. A total of 999 units produced worldwide in a unique color and each has a commemorative badge, personalized with the initials of the owner's name. Feature lights on the front fenders, similar to GTV 250.
  • GTS 125
  • GTS 250ie
  • GTS 250 / abs
  • GTS 300 (2010)
  • GTS 300 Super (2008)
  • GTV 125 (a variant of GTS 125 in commemoration of its 60th anniversary)
  • GT60 (a variant of GTS 250 in commemoration of the 60th birthday) Fitted feature on the fender lights as a tribute to the original Vespa.
  • GTV 250 standard models based on GTS250ie. Physically similar to the GT60, but is available in several color choices.
  • PX 30 125 (limited edition, only 1000 units produced to celebrate 30 years of model P)
  • S 50 and S 125 new model 2007, introduced at Milan Motorshow November 2006
  • S 150 (2008)
  • Zafferano 50 cc and 125 cc (limited edition, only 200 produced)
Piaggio / Vespa scooter is also building a series hybrid. Two models are still done today, based on the Vespa LX 50 is quite popular and Piaggio X8 125 is more plump.

source: website / wiki / Scooter_ 28motorcycle% 29%

Monday, 16 January 2012

Vespa History

Vespa is a brand scooter from Italy. Vespa was established on 23 April 1946 in Florence under the parent company Piaggio & Co.. SpA , based in Pontedera Italy. Piaggio is the company's largest two-wheeler manufacturer in Europe and the world's fourth largest in terms of the sales side.
Since the beginning of production, Vespa scooters have been known for its strong inherent paint, motor body made of pressed steel, which have an aesthetic engine cover (which also can hide the mechanism of the machine or grease or dirt), flat footrest board (which provides protection feet), and structural as well as the front shield protect the rider from wind and water from the front. No doubt, the first Vespa scooter is a global success.

Design inspiration Vespa (and Lambretta) is considered taken from a scooter made ​​in Nebraska, United namely scooters Cushman Airborne A53 olive green (it later became Cushman Vespa factory under license) that before PD2 many wandering in Italy as an American military transport as a tactic of war NAZI when it is destroyed roads and bridges in the Dolomites (regional sector Alps ) and
the Austrian border.

In World War I and II, the predecessor company Vespa (Piaggio) focused on production bombers. Perhaps that is the reason why Pontedera becomes the target and eventually destroyed by Allied bombs. Italian economy was crippled and roads were destroyed at that time did not support the rebuilding of the car market. Enrico Piaggio , son of founder Rinaldo Piaggio, decided to leave the field of aviation in order to address the urgent need for Italy to modern means of transport but quite affordable by the people.

Enrico Piaggio through his factory in Biella actually been producing motor-scooter (1943-1944). This prototype is designed by Renzo Spolti Piaggio engineers with Vittorio Casini and coded MP5 (Moto Piaggio 5), which then by the workers named "Paperino" which means "Donald Duck". Enrico Piaggio did not like this design then ask the engineer Corradino D'Ascanio to review and redesign the project is something different, with technical development and model. Although it does not like, but 100 units have been produced Paperino now only owned by collectors (one of which was in Indonesia).

(Paperino Specifications: Two stroke, single cylinder, Bore 50 mm Stroke 50 mm, 98 cc capacity, Girbox continuous speed-variator, Transmission chain or Cardan, Top speed 60 km / h, 2 pipe sprung suspension, drum brakes, Tire 4:00 -10)

Aeronautical engineer Corradino D'Ascanio (joined Piaggio in 1934) is in charge of re-designing the previously responsible for the design, construction, and flew the first modern helicopter Agusta. D'Ascanio had previously been consulted by Ferdinando Innocenti to design vehicles that are simple, robust, and affordable, easy to drive men and women, can accommodate a passenger, and not make the rider dirty clothes (then out the first Lambretta). Because one thing, D'Ascanio troubled by Innocenti then submit the design to Enrico Piaggio.
D'Ascanio to design a simple, economical, comfortable and elegant. D'Ascanio was dreaming of a revolutionary new vehicle because he himself is actually hate and can not ride two-wheeled motorcycle because he considered heavy, dirty, and not tough. So he took a picture of his expertise in the field of aircraft technology. He imagined a vehicle built with a "monocoque" or unibody steel chassis. Front forks such as tires and landing aircraft that is easy for replacement tires. The result is a design inspired from the aircraft to date different from other vehicles.
In 1945, the year when Indonesia gained independence, the construction of an alternative is found. Initially in the form of a steel framed bike concept with rounded curves like a tunnel. Surprisingly, it turns out the staternya designed using bomb components and wheels taken from aircraft wheels. In order to optimize the shape and the security of its users, the engineer designing the cover board on the front foot. The project is led directly by Corradino D'Ascanio that patents were soon to their pocket.
In 1946, the prototype was finished scooter with the MP 6 (Moto Piaggio 6). When Enrico Piaggio saw the boz MP6 prototype, he accidentally called out "Una Sambra Vespa" (looks like a wasp). Finally the call by accident, it was decided the vehicle is given the name "Vespa" (= wasp). Vespa according to the language of Latin and Italian are meant wasps.
On April 23, 1946, at 12 in the central office for inventions, models and manufacture of the Ministry of Industry and Trade ( Ministry of Industry and Commerce ) in Florence , Piaggio e CSpA took out a patent for "a motorcycle that is complex, and the rational elements, which coupled with a frame that has a shield mud, and casing that covers all mechanical parts ". In December of the patent is approved. In the spring of 1946, thirteen samples MP6 first mass produced at the Piaggio factory in Pontedera, Italy emerged.

Following its public debut at the Milan Fair of 1946, the first fifty sold slowly, probably because the price for the upper segment as when first introduced into Indonesia. Vespa sales in 1947 some 2,500 units, more than 10,000 units in 1948, 35,000 units by the end of 1949, more than 60,000 units in 1950, and more than one million units in 1956 which proved that the form of 'wasp' is highly accepted by society at that time. In addition to Italy's success in becoming a pioneering form of motor ala 'wasp', the language of Italy is also getting a new vocabulary, ie "vespare" which means to go somewhere using a Vespa.
Between the 1960s through the 1970s, the Vespa has become a symbol of the revolution of ideas at that time. This product was absorbed by the market demand of France, Britain, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, and India - in addition to the domestic market this product is selling like hotcakes. In addition, India also produces the same type and form by taking the Bajaj engine. The type is and Bajaj Bajaj Super Deluxe. A number of parties then filed a joint application to create a Vespa.
In 1950 comes the German-made Vespa 125 cc. At that time many other countries are trying to make a similar product, but it turns out they were not the least able to compete with Piaggio. Among the competitors is the Lambretta, Heinkel, Zundapp and NSU. For the people of Indonesia, the Lambretta products and Zundapp, was popular in the era of the 1960s. One thinks that the fanaticism of the Vespa was posed by the basic characteristic of this motor is always maintained at each subsequent product. Even when they spelled out a "revolution" in the form of new products, the Vespa 150 GS, distinctiveness voluptuous ass still feels attached.

GS 150 at the time the product is so popular that almost always appear in every film of the 1960s. At that time the Vespa was known as Vespamore (in Indonesia known as the Vespa Ndog / eggs or Vespa Congo). Steering and spotlights this series began to be made together and form his ass really still rounded that became his trademark.
Vespa outline is divided in two sizes, "largeframe" and "smallframe". Vespa smallframe version consists of 50 cc, 90 cc, 100 cc and 125 cc. All engines are derived from 50 cc model 1963. Vespa largeframe in 125 cc, 150 cc, 160 cc, 180 cc and 200 cc engines derived from the 125 cc engine, redesigned the production end of the 1950s. Largeframe Vespa evolved into the PX in the late 1970s and produced a version of the 125 cc and 150 cc until July 2007. Smallframe evolved into the PK in the early 1980s.
And the story continues today with a new generation of Vespa models by offering Vespa ET2, Vespa ET4, Vespa Grand Turismo and the Vespa PX 150. Vespa is not just a scooter, but became one of the icons of the people of Italy.
Here is the release year of each model Vespa (from 1944 to 1980):
MP5 & Vespa MP6 prototype - 1944 to 1945
Vespa 98-1946
Vespa Corsa - 1947
Vespa 125 - 1948
Vespa GS 150 - VS1 to VS5 Gran Sport - 1955 to 1961
Vespa GS 160 - MK1 to MK2 - 1962
Vespa Gran Turismo GT & Sportique - 1962 to 1967
Vespa 125 Super & 150 Super VBC - 1965 to 1979
Vespa VLB Sprint & Sprint Veloce - 1969 to 1979
Vespa 180 SS SuperSport - 1964 to 1968
Vespa Rally - 1968 to 1972
Vespa 50 & 50 Special - 1964 to 1973
Vespa Primavera - 1968 and 1976
Vespa PX - 1980 to 1982
Here is a sequence of specification Vespa since the first series 1946:
MACHINE: 2t, 98 cc
Bore: 50 mm.
Stroke: 50 mm.
POWER: 3.2 hp at 4500 rpm.
SPEED: 3 speed
POWER: Porting cylinder Piston, Dell'Orto T2 16/17 (early models), Dell'Orto TA 17 without filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: spring steel, rubber pads on the back
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
LAMPS: Position front 5W 6V, 6V 15W headlights low, rear 6V 5W
HORN: 12v 25w
COLOUR: Grey (Code 8003M)
RUST: Red Opaque Fund (Code 10055M)
Tank: 5 liter
SPEED: 60 km / h
Chassis: V98 1001-2484
ENGINE: 2t, 98 cc
Bore: 50 mm.
Stroke: 50 mm.
POWER: 3.2 hp at 4500 rpm
SPEED: Speed ​​3
POWER SUPPLY: Porting a piston cylinder, Dell'Orto TA 17 without filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: spring steel, rubber pads on the back
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
LIGHTS: Front position 5W 6V, 6V 15W low beam front, rear 6V 5W
HORN: 12v 25w
COLOUR: Grey metallic (Code 8000M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Code 10055M)
TANK: 5 liters
SPEED: 60 km / h

ENGINE: 2t, 98 cc
Bore: 50 mm.
Stroke: 50 mm.
POWER: 3.2 hp at 4500 rpm
SPEED: Speed ​​3
POWER SUPPLY: Porting a piston cylinder, Dell'Orto TA 17 without filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: spring steel, rubber pads on the back
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
LAMPS: Lamps Home biluce 6V 5W-15 W, 5W 6V rear
HORN: 12v 25w
COLOUR: Grey metallic (Code 8000M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Code 10055M)
TANK: 5 liters
SPEED: 60 km / h
ENGINE: 2 times, 98 cc
Bore: 50 mm.
Stroke: 50 mm.
POWER: 3.2 hp at 4500 rpm
SPEED: Speed ​​3
POWER SUPPLY: Porting a piston cylinder, Dell'Orto TA 17 without filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: spring steel, rubber pads on the back
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
LAMPS: Lamps Home biluce 6V 5W-15 W, 5W 6V rear
HORN: 12v 25w
COLOUR: Grey metallic (Max Meyer Code 8000M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 5 liters
SPEED: 60 km / h
CHASSIS: V98 last 18 079
Vespa 125 Bacchetta (V1T - V14T) 1948-1949
ENGINE: 2-stroke 124.8 cc
Bore: 56.5 mm.
Stroke: 49.8 mm.
SPEED: 3 Speed
POWER: Porting cylinder Piston, Dell'Orto TA 17 filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: coil spring, coil spring and hydraulic suspension at the rear
Brakes: Front Drum, Rear Drum
COLOR: Green metallic (Max Meyer Code 6000m)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 5 liters, the subject
SPEED ': 70 Km / h
Vespa 125 Bacchetta (V15T) in 1950
ENGINE: 2-stroke 124.8 cc
Bore: 56.5 mm.
Stroke: 49.8 mm.
SPEED: 3 Speed
POWER: Porting cylinder Piston, Dell'Orto TA filter 17B
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: coil spring, coil spring and hydraulic suspension at the rear
Brakes: Front Drum, Rear Drum
COLOR: Green metallic (Max Meyer Code 6000m)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 5 liters, the subject
SPEED: 70 km / h
FRAME: 104 096 V15T last frame
Vespa 125 V30T - V33T (1951-1952)
ENGINE: 2-stroke 124.8 cc
Bore: 56.5 mm.
Stroke: 49.8 mm.
POWER: 4.5 hp at 5000 rpm
SAFC: 6,4:1
SPEED: Speed ​​3
POWER: Porting cylinder Piston, Dell'Orto TA filter 17B
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: coil spring suspension and hydraulic sull, coil spring and hydraulic suspension at the rear
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
COLOR: Green metallic (Max Meyer Code 6002M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 5 liters, the subject
SPEED: 70 km / h
FRAME: V30T - V33T 104097-251820
Vespa 125 U VU1T (1953)
ENGINE: 2-stroke 124.8 cc
Bore: 56.5 mm.
Stroke: 49.8 mm.
POWER: 4.5 hp
SAFC: 6,4:1
TRANSMISSION: 3 Speed, 3-disc clutch trimmed
POWER: Porting a piston cylinder, Dell'Orto TA 17 B filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: coil spring with variable flexibility sull, double hydraulic shock absorber on the rear
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
Headlights: lights in diameter, 95 two handlebar lights
COLOR: Green Pastel (Code Max Meyer 1.298.6334)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 6.25 liters, the subject
SPEED: 65 km / h
FRAME: VU1T 1001-7001
Vespa 125 VM1T - VM2T (1953-1954)
ENGINE: 2-stroke 123.7 cc
Bore: 54 mm.
Stroke: 54 mm.
POWER: 4.5 hp at 5000 rpm
SAFC: 6,5:1
SPEED: Speed ​​3
POWER: Ported Piston to cylinder, Dell'Orto 18C filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: coil spring suspension and hydraulic sull, coil spring and hydraulic suspension at the rear
Brakes: front drum, rear drum
COLOR: Gray (Max Meyer Code 15048M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 6.25 liters,
SPEED: 75 km / h
FRAME: VM1T 001001-085870
VM2T 0085871-0176014
VN1T Vespa 125 (1955)
ENGINE: 2-stroke 123.7 cc
Bore: 54 mm.
Stroke: 54 mm.
POWER: 4.5 hp at 5000 rpm
SAFC: 6,5:1
TRANSMISSION: 3 Speed, 3-disc clutch trimmed
POWER: Porting a piston cylinder, Dell'Orto 18C filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: spring cone sull flexibility and variable hydraulic damper Effectively doubles, biconical coil spring suspension and dual effect hydraulic flexible variable on the back
Brakes: Front Drum, Rear Drum
LAMPS FRONT: diameter 105 light, 6V lamp biluce - 25/25W)
COLOR: Gray (Max Meyer Code 15048M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 6.25 liters,
SPEED: 75 km / h
FRAME: VN1T from 01,001 to 050,100
VL1T Struzzo Vespa 150 (1955)
ENGINE: 2-stroke 145.6 cc
Bore: 57mm.
Stroke: 57 mm.
POWER: 5.4 hp at 5000 rpm
SAFC: 6,3:1
TRANSMISSION: 3 Speed, 3-disc clutch trimmed
POWER: Porting a piston cylinder, Dell'Orto TA 18 D with air filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 8
SUSPENSION: spring cone sull flexibility and variable hydraulic damper Effectively doubles, coil spring coaxial to biconical flexibility variable hydraulic rear shock
Brakes: Front Drum, Rear Drum
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: Joint 6V AC and DC 6V (6V battery - 7 Ah) IN alternator coil, external and rectifier 32 W
LAMPS FRONT: diameter 105 light, 6V lamp biluce - Position + 6V 25/25W lamp - 3W)
HORN: 6V - 10W
COLOR: Gray (Max Meyer Code 15048M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 6.25 liters, the subject
SPEED: 83 km / h
FRAME: VL1T 1001-17000
VS1T Vespa GS 150 (1955)
ENGINE: 2-stroke 145.6 cc
Bore: 57mm.
Stroke: 57 mm.
POWER: 8 hp at 7500 rpm
SAFC: 07:01
TRANSMISSION: 4 Speed, 3-disc clutch trimmed
POWER: Porting cylinder Piston, Dell'Orto UB23S3 with air filter
WHEELS: 3.50 × 10
SUSPENSION: coil spring cone and flexibility Double variable sull acting hydraulic shock absorber, coil spring flexible coaxial biconical to variable hydraulic rear shock
Brakes: Drum front (ventilated with 59), rear drums (ventilation by 59)
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: Joint 6V AC and DC 6V (6V battery - 12 Ah) IN alternator coil, external and rectifier 32 W
LAMPS FRONT: diameter 115 light, 6V lamp biluce - Position + 6V 25/25W lamp - 3W)
REAR LIGHTS: 6V - 5W (+ 6V - 10W models with brake light)
COLOUR: Grey metallic (Max Meyer Code 15005M)
RUST: Dana Opaque Red (Max Meyer Code 10055M)
TANK: 12 liters, including reserves.
SPEED: 101 km / h
FRAME: VS1T from 001,001 to 0013,300 (1955)
Hoffmann Vespa
In 1950 the Vespa was made under license by Hoffmann in Lintorf factory. So-called "Hoffmann"-Vespa provided with shift-stick and then with a cable-controlled gear changes. In 1954 the model "Königin" (queen) was introduced with the light-fenders and lights on the handlebar. Machine parts and body parts are most synonymous with fender-light models italian.
Jacob Oswald Hoffmann is the owner of a bicycle factory in Lintorf, a city located in the North, Dusseldorf. He built his own factory by buying a plot of land upon which had stood for a former factory building shovel / hoe after the end of the war. Some time in early 1949 he found a few photos snapped by reporters Vespa is above the desk. From here there are fundamental differences, and Hoffman find out more about the object image.
The opportunity came when at the Frankfurt Show, where Hoffmann and the Vespa meet in person for the first time. From there then Hoffmann's desire to build Vespa factory in Lintorf. He then submitted to the Piaggio to build Vespa granted licenses for the German market.
Piaggio strongly supports the request Hoffmann. They then see directly is likely to Vespa market in Germany and found that the Vespa can be accepted by the German market. The next step is they make the approach to some importers, but the importers are not interested. The delay is minimized to speed up the signing of cooperation agreement between them and start Hoffmann as the owner of a major license for the product to the entire West German Vespa also partly Vespa market in the country's northern part and the right to export to the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. Accountability for sales to the country's southern region is handled by Vespa Marketing GmbH in Frankfurt. In 1950, Hoffmann Vespa was manufactured in Germany.
The Vespa was rapidly gaining popularity in Germany, lifting the mass media as an innovative product and Piaggio's top stylists and praised his creations in the form of two-wheeled transport vehicles which are very interesting. In 1953, Hoffmann plant has produced more than 400 units per week Vespa. However, enter the following years the production rate decreased by half. Under conditions of the German economy is unfavorable, Hoffmann believes the solution is to keep on track the competition and he took the initiative to create a Vespa with better performance.
Later (in 1954) he created the Vespa as a model "Königin" (queen) who look dashing with the added touch of chrome and headlights and so forth. Konigin development cost was very expensive, and endanger the financial condition of Hoffmann. Making scooters Other new types of cooperation between Hoffmann also made by Piaggio disconnected, beginning in 1955 entered the joint venture the two broke up.

Vespa Messerschmitt
Piaggio then a relationship with Messerschmitt Co.., Which then issued a production of the first Vespa in 1955. They released two models of 150 Touren 1-2 and GS 1-3 which claimed more awesome. T1 and T2 have 10 inch tires and is the first 150 machines. T2 has a control cable open / visible outside. GS1 similar to T2 with open control cables and tires 10 inch enclosed type. Only available in silver (except models exported to the UK). They also provide after sales service and spare parts for Vespa production of Hoffmann. This cooperation continued until late 1957.
Vespa GmbH Augsburg
After that stood Vespa Augsburg GmbH, a joint venture between Piaggio and Martial Fane Organisation, this joint venture and also provide some parts for Vespa Messerschmitt. Both models are made when kongsian with Messerschmitt (150 Touren and GS) and then developed with some modifications. In addition Vespa GmbH Augsburg also gave birth to 125 cc Vespa was first introduced in 1958. Products include Vespa Augsburg-2125 T1, T3-4150, GL, Sprint, GS4. T3 has a control cable and closed like the GS3 has a 10-inch wheels. German special model 125 T1 and T2 has 8-inch tires and 150 T4 has a 10 inch tire very similar to the Italian model VNA-VBB. The side panels on the Italian model was less attention. Electricity converted from AC to DC and provide opportunities to put the P-series machines in this order. GS3 GS4 is the successor of the still traditional. This model is only white in color and converted to AC electrical system without a DC battery with battery. They also did the same to the GL and later Sprint models are built in parallel. Indicator mounted on the side panel while the switch, horn, and the type reting not changed. Production continued until 1963, which is the peak current scooter and production changes that are not too many. In Germany it goes Vespa then import directly from Italy.

Vespa 50 with Pedal
Vespa in France is produced by the company ACMA (Ateliers de Construction de Motocycles et Automobiles) under the parent company's license in Italy. French law when it allowed 14-year-old boy riding a motorcycle, because it was born the Vespa 50 with the pedal in 1970 which makes this Vespa could also dikayuh with legs (like a bicycle) when out of gas on the road.

Vespa ACMA
Vespa ACMA in the early 1950s have been using coconut shell lamp on the handlebars but still separate the speedometer. After it merged with the speedometer light shell with exotic designs.

Vespa 150 TAP
Vespa is manufactured in France for the war. Vespa modified to carry weapons M20 ( M20 recoilless rifle 75 mm ) used in the 1950s by the French Air Force ( French Airborne Forces / troupes aéroportées / TAP). Produced by the factory Ateliers de Construction de Motocycles et Automobiles (ACMA), a company in France which is licensed by Vespa in 1956 until 1959.
Equipped with a powerful weapon bazooka M20 American-made lightweight, anti-tank and anti snap back when we were fired because of the propellant gas. Its weight is very light when compared with the standard 75mm cannon others but still able to penetrate steel with a thickness of 100 mm warheads called HEAT (High Explosive Anti-tank). Scooters will be dropped from the air with a double parachute, each escorted by two men as a team. So, it takes five parachutes for each team to be able to carry two crew people, weapons, ammunition, and two scooters. Bazooka will be loaded on a single scooter, the scooter while the other loaded ammunition. Then they immediately drove to approach the enemy, although they are more often encouraged rumors than to ride. Moreover, the absence of this type of device recoilless rifle that is designed to be fired from the scooter, the bazooka is to be mounted on a tripod which is also loaded by the scooter, before being fired. "Vespa bazooka" is priced at around $ 500 while the price far above M20. About 800 scooter is deployed in the war in Algeria (1954-1962).
* Length: 6 feet 10 inches (2:08 m)
* Weight: 114.5 lb (52 kg)
* Bazooka: hold on the right hand
* Range: (HEAT) 7000 yards (6.4 miles)
* Speed ​​bullet: (HEAT) 1000 ft / sec (300 m / sec)
* Bullets: 75 × 408 mm. R
* Caliber: 75 mm. (2.95 inches)
* Weight around:
o HE: 21.86 lb (9.92 kg)
o HEAT: 20:54 lb (9:32 kg)
o Smoke (T40, WP): 22.61 lb (10.26 kg)
* Penetration of steel: 4 inches (100 mm)

Douglas company of Kingswood, Bristol, began motorcycle production in 1907. In 1948, the company went bankrupt. While vacationing in Italy, Managing Director Claude McCormack saw a Vespa and immediately made arrangements with Vespa Piaggio to manufacture under license in Bristol.
Rod Model 1951-1955
"Rod" is a term referring to the mechanism of retro gear changes. This scooter is marketed simply as "Vespa 125" with a new 1949 Piaggio spec just replaced. But the new production realized in April 1951. Shell moved to shield headlights to respect the local lighting regulations (presumably so as not to glare in the eyes of pedestrians).

Model G 1953-1954
Same as the previous model with changes gear cable.

GL2 1954-55
Engine with twin transfer ports are up to date installed in the chassis 1949 which updated.

42L2 1955-1956
Finally, using the new style chassis and shell lamps moved to the handlebars.

92L2 1956-1959
A modification of the 42L2 with changes in the enlarged tank capacity and niche under the rider a more concave.

102L2 1957
Vespa is a 92L2 with 150cc engines imported from Piaggio. Only a handful made and are handmade.

152L2 1959-1960
A completely new model was introduced about a year after Piaggio. The rear of the chassis is built in two sections with a seam in the middle and carriers are now integral with the engine crankcase. When demand exceeds supply, a number of models Piaggio equivalent (which VNA) is imported.

Sportique 1961-1965
Douglas production stop and build a replacement 125cc Vespa Piaggio 150cc model (VBB). In an effort to halt the decline in sales, a special edition with accessories that are still considered the standard was issued. It can be seen Supreme Grand Luxe 1962 silver and gold colors. In 1965, before production stopped Vespas, was released Grand Tourer in metallic maroon color.

232L2 1962
One 125cc Vespa models are produced in very small amount in 1962.

Vespa 100 Sport
Vespa 50
Vespa Allstate
Vespa Sear

  • In 1947 appeared Vespa 98cc Corsicana 98 types using 17 mm carburetor sport type.
  • In the same year, 1947, 98 out Vespa Corsican type (Circuit) 98cc.
  • In 1949, the Vespa is actually starting to get good places in circuit racing, with vespa 125 Corsa racing "telaio in relief" (chassis mix) GP racer.
  • In 1949 also came out Vespa 125 Circuit
  • Montlhéry Vespa scooter is a legend, produced in 1950 to break the world record at the French circuit. Managed to record 17 record within 10 hours. Vespa has streamlined durability and a scooter on land speed racing that solve more than seventeen world records, including running an hour with an average speed of 134km / h, running 100 miles with an average speed of 129.7km / h; and run 1000 miles with an average speed of 124.3km / h!
  • Vespa 125 Sei Giorni (six days) was used by Joseph CAU to win the race.
  • Vespa Siluro (= Torpedo) or also called Catfish (= Catfish) is one of the Vespa engine that shook the world of multi-cylinder vehicles. Designed by designer D'Ascanio reliable Piaggio is a special feature of counter-Opposing Pistons, then the Vespa Siluro a super-streamlined using horizontally-opposed twin engine 124.5 cc and produces over 17 HP at 9500 rpm. In 1951, Siluro driven by Dino Mazzoncini record-breaking mile in 21.4 seconds with an average speed of 171.1 124.3km / h.

source: website / wiki / Scooter_ 28motorcycle% 29%

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