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Sunday, 16 May 2010

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Saturday, 8 May 2010

Mang Ratno the Cool

Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

A little inspirational story at the end of the week,
This story happened a few days ago when I visited my Grandma in Tanjung Priok. (Make no mistake, not a living tomb Mbah Priok, my Grandma was still healthy wal'afiat)
Because the location of the Grandma's house in a small alley which is only fit for a car passed, rather than later backed promote hassle car if another car, I chose to park at the end of the alley.

Suddenly there was an SUV parked in front of my car, the driver fell over.
Assalamua'alaikum, Neng Geulis. Hhmm Wa'alaikum salam honest too ya Dad.
Neng Geulis very troublesome, these kids huh? Wow, already three yes. Help dizzy here. Want to Grandma's house well
Yes, sir, my brain immediately googling the contents of its memory. But almost to the front of my Grandma's house have not found an answer to the identity of the father.
Neng, will not go back yes, back again later the same dizzy Aunt

Long story short, less than an hour you'd go back to Grandma's house with his wife. It turned out that my Grandma is very familiar with them.
This is the Ratno, Rin, Do you remember the guns? That used to selling chicken porridge at the end of the alley

Hah, Mang Ratno? Who used to frequent my chicken porridge utangin if she forgot to give us fits pocket money.?Wow, now selling chicken porridge can have a SUV!.

That's one car cuman Rin, I rented too many Mbah a thumbs-up wrinkled.

Based on the results of my investigation into a deep, (gak!), Finally revealed her success story as well. Dizzy headache, Neng. It was the child of four. If so dizzy aja cuman pulp sales, whichever enough. Not to mention if anyone ngutangin

I'm offended weight. But because I am more willing to learn from him, then I tepis my umbrage. Hehehe.

But if I really dizzy porridge selling guns, how else, usually it doang cuman.
Dizzy think hard, to sleepless nights loh. Dizzy thinks if had only one stall, the result is, well, that much alone. Cuman enough for a meal. It also has Alhamdulillah, hell
Finally, call the nephew of the village dizzy. Ajarin dizzy trade. Make frightened that her porridge, cariin place. He is selling. Instead he was also unemployed at the village.
Uh, Thank God, it turns out he sold merchandise as well. So, tomorrow, next day, he invites others sodaranya Sodara-pulp trade also
Alhamdulillah, now frightened ngasuh 40 people handyman porridge

WHAT? Forty?

Turnover of the day how much it Mang? I'm so tempted to know the income of a handyman porridge
Turnover of whom? Dizzy? Neng ah secret. Later mistaken for the dizzy ngeles arrogant.
No, the turnover of one stall Mang keukeuh I want to dig up their incomes.
Depending on the provision of God, Neng. But roughly aja ya, if guns no barrier, if more bestselling nih Neng, one cart can sells 100 bowls, the price permangkoknya USD. 5000.

Hhmmm, okay, Rp. 500 000 per day. But, whoa, the dizzy has 40 carts. Woooww .. Rp. 500 000 x 40 = Rp. 20.000.000/hari?
That is, 40 carts selling where aja Mang?
In the near-Neng here aja, seputaran Tanjung Priok. Lah, dizzy cuman IIPA streets here.
Have 40 carts in time tuh Mang how long? I become curious.
Well, long Neng, over 10 years, slowly aja nambahnya. If the previous holder already be believed, the new release. Dizzy adds new foster care.
They buy the same porridge so dizzy?
Yes, They're already tired of selling all day. So the same dizzy aunt who masakin all ingredients, frightened people who pay for bersihin wagon-cart, so each abis dawn, they live sale.
Continue to share how Mang?
Si Neng asked journalists continue to kayak ah ..
Well, Is not I want to learn also from the dizzy. Yes already if guns guns also start to tell anything
Si Neng still just like they used aja, like ngambekan. Gini Neng. They're already tired of selling. So dizzy like a greedy mah guns. Dizzy sales results for the third. A third make dizzy. The rest make a trade

Hhmm, 20.juta x 1 / 3 = 6.6 million more per day. Still pretty

How many doors kept rented Mang?
Contract that was originally a trading place for porridge, so dizzy from patch to patch. After a long time pretty well too
Thirty-door more times, Rin. Mbah me who had been quietly listening, finally voiced as well.
Yes, Alhamdulillah, the month Rp.350.000 sewain dizzy dizzy grins proudly.
The calculator in my brain the road again, counting the incomes of the dizzy.
Rp. 10.500.000/bulan of the contract. Hmmm

Pay taxes dong Mang nyentil the dizzy fun of me
Yes, every month there is the tax man comes. Bantuin tax itung dizzy. Aja mah dizzy resigned. His name is also a fool, so adherents than in prison aja
His zakat Mang?
Yaelah the Neng, it would house. Hopefully dizzy istiqomah pay Zakat. It is all just a deposit of Neng.
But it also frightened me to encourage hard work
Yeah, but if God wills guns, guns give us the street. Well, maybe dizzy forever selling porridge at the end of the alley Neng.

After more than an hour of talk here-ngidul nostalgic

Neng, dizzy once goodbye, well, how many numbers hapenya Neng? Later dizzy miskol yes, dicatet Xs Neng name dizzy. Mang Ratno the Tukang Porridge, like that. Let me not forget again Mang Ratno guns punched in Blackberrynya. I cuman 'grins look at his behavior.

Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ati-ati road back home if ya Neng.
Wa'alaikumsalam warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Mang Ratno, the repairman porridge utangin the days that I like a little kid, with sunglasses perched dihidung cool. confidently strolled toward his SUV, oh cool.
These memories, makes me believe, that whatever the will of God will happen, and we can never expect what will happen in the future.
Wassalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Source Rinny Ermiyanti , millist pengusaha muslim
Jiran Mujiran TDA Jakbar

Mang Ratno yang Keren

Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

cerita inspiratif di akhir minggu,
Cerita ini terjadi beberapa hari lalu ketika saya mengunjungi Mbah saya di Tanjung Priok . (Jangan salah, bukan Mbah Priok yang tinggal makamnya, Mbah saya ini masih sehat wal'afiat). Karena lokasi rumah si Mbah di gang kecil yang hanya muat untuk 1 mobil lewat, daripada nanti kerepotan memaju-mundurkan mobil jika ada mobil lain, saya memilih untuk parkir di ujung gang.

Tiba-tiba ada sebuah mobil SUV yang parkir didepan mobil saya , pengemudinya turun menghampiri. Assalamua'alaikum, Neng Geulis. Wa'alaikumsalam hhmm jujur juga nih Bapak.
Repot amat Neng Geulis, ini anak-anaknya ya? Wah, sudah tiga ya. Sini Mamang Bantu. Mau ke rumah Mbah yah
Iya , Pak otak saya langsung googling isi memorinya. Tapi nyaris sampai didepan rumah Mbah saya belum juga menemukan jawaban akan identitas si Bapak.
Neng, nanti jangan pulang dulu ya, Mamang nanti balik lagi sama Bibi

Singkat cerita, tidak sampai satu jam Bapak tadi kembali ke rumah Mbah dengan istrinya. Ternyata Mbah saya sangat mengenal mereka.
Ini si Ratno, Rin, Kamu ingat ngga? Yang dulu jualan bubur ayam di ujung gang

Hah, Mang Ratno? Yang dulu bubur ayamnya sering saya utangin kalau pas Ibu kelupaan ngasih uang saku.?
Wow, jualan bubur ayam sekarang bisa punya SUV !.
Itu sih cuman salah satu mobilnya Rin, kontrakannya juga banyak Mbah saya mengacungkan jempol keriputnya.

Berdasarkan hasil investigasi saya yang mendalam, (halah!), akhirnya terbongkar juga kisah suksesnya.
Mamang puyeng,Neng. Waktu itu anak mau empat. Kalau Mamang cuman jualan bubur begitu aja, mana cukup. Belum lagi kalau ada yang ngutangin

Saya tersinggung berat. Tapi karena saya lagi mau belajar dari beliau, maka saya tepis rasa tersinggung saya. Hehehe.

Tapi kalo Mamang ngga jualan bubur, bagaimana lagi, bisanya cuman itu doang.
Mamang mikir keras, sampai bermalam-malam susah tidur loh. Mamang pikir kalo cuman punya satu warung , hasilnya yah, segitu saja. Cuman cukup buat makan. Itu juga sudah Alhamdulillah, sih
Akhirnya, Mamang manggil ponakan dari kampung. Mamang ajarin dagang. Mamang yang buatin buburnya, cariin tempatnya. Dia yang jualan. Daripada dia juga nganggur di kampung.
Eh, Alhamdulillah, ternyata dagangan dia laku juga. Terus , besok-besoknya, dia ngajak sodara-sodaranya yang lain dagang bubur juga
Alhamdulillah, sekarang Mamang ngasuh 40 orang tukang bubur

WHAT? Empat puluh?

Omset sehari berapa sih Mang? Saya jadi tergoda mau tahu penghasilan seorang tukang bubur
Omset siapa? Mamang? Rahasia ah Neng. Nanti dikira sombong si Mamang ngeles.
Bukan, Omset satu warungnya Mang Saya keukeuh mau mengorek penghasilannya.
Tergantung rezeki dari Allah, Neng. Tapi kira-kira aja ya, kalau ngga ada halangan, kalau lagi laris nih Neng, satu gerobak bisa jualan 100 mangkok, harganya permangkoknya Rp. 5000.

Hhmmm, lumayan, Rp. 500.000 perhari. Tapi , nanti dulu, si Mamang punya 40 gerobak. Woooww.. Rp. 500.000 x 40 = Rp. 20.000.000/hari ?
Itu, 40 gerobak jualan dimana aja Mang?
Di deket-sini aja Neng, seputaran Tanjung Priok. Lah, Mamang cuman apal jalan-jalan di sini.
Punya 40 gerobak dalam waktu berapa lama tuh Mang? saya makin penasaran.
Yah ,lama Neng, lebih 10 tahun, Pelan-pelan aja nambahnya. Kalau yang megang sebelumnya udah bisa dipercaya, baru di lepas. Baru Mamang nambah anak asuh lagi.
Mereka beli buburnya sama Mamang gitu?
Iya, Mereka kan udah capek jualan seharian. Jadi Mamang sama Bibi yang masakin semua bahannya, Mamang yang bayar orang buat bersihin gerobak-gerobaknya, jadi tiap abis subuh, mereka tinggal jualan.
Terus bagiannya gimana Mang?
Si Neng nanya terus kayak wartawan ah..
Yah , Kan saya mau belajar juga dari Mamang. Ya udah kalo ngga mau ngasih tau juga ngga apa-apa
Si Neng masih kayak dulu aja, suka ngambekan. Gini Neng. Mereka kan udah capek jualan. Jadi Mamang mah ngga mau serakah. Hasil jualan Mamang bagi 3. Sepertiga buat Mamang. Sisanya buat yang dagang

Hhmm, 20.juta x 1/3 = 6,6 juta lebih/hari . Masih lumayan

Terus kontrakannya berapa pintu Mang?
Kontrakan itu kan awalnya buat tempat yang dagang bubur, jadi Mamang mulai sepetak demi sepetak. Lama-lama yah lumayan juga
Tiga puluh pintu lebih kali, Rin .Mbah saya yang dari tadi diam mendengarkan, akhirnya bersuara juga.
Iya, Alhamdulillah, Mamang sewain Rp.350.000 sebulan si Mamang nyengir bangga.
Kalkulator di otak saya jalan lagi ,berhitung penghasilan si Mamang.
Rp. 10.500.000/bulan dari kontrakan. Hmmm

Bayar pajak dong Mang iseng saya nyentil si Mamang
Iya, tiap bulan ada orang pajak dateng. Bantuin Mamang itung pajak. Mamang mah pasrah aja. Namanya juga orang bodoh, jadi ngikut aja daripada di penjara
Zakat nya Mang?
Yaelah si Neng, itu mah pasti. InsyaAllah Mamang istiqomah bayar Zakat. Kan semua ini hanya titipan Neng.
Tapi Mamang kan juga sudah kerja keras saya menyemangati
Iya, tapi kalau Allah ngga berkehendak, ngga ngasih jalan. Yah,mungkin Mamang selamanya jualan bubur di ujung gang Neng.

Setelah lebih dari satu jam ngobrol ngalor-ngidul bernostalgia,

Neng, Mamang pamit dulu yah, berapa nomor hapenya Neng? Nanti Mamang miskol ya, dicatet ys Neng nama Mamang. Mang Ratno si Tukang Bubur ,gitu. Biar ngga lupa lagi Mang Ratno memencet-mencet tombol di Blackberrynya. Saya cuman 'nyengir melihat tingkahnya.

Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ati-ati dijalan kalo pulang nanti ya Neng. Wa'alaikumsalam warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Mang Ratno, si tukang bubur yang aku suka utangin dimasa kecil dulu, dengan kaca mata hitam bertengger keren dihidung. melenggang penuh percaya diri kearah SUV-nya , duh kerennya.
Kenangan ini, membuat saya yakin, bahwa apapun kehendak Allah akan terjadi, dan kita tidak pernah bisa mengira apa yang akan terjadi dimasa yang akan datang.

Wassalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
sumber Rinny Ermiyanti , millist pengusaha muslim
Jiran Mujiran TDA Jakbar




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Thursday, 6 May 2010

Susi Pudjiastuti; First basket of fish, now Have 50 Aircraft Sale Ring to the Capital, Bank Lending and Tought Crazy2

With Christian, began to daydream Susi has a transport aircraft with the main objective of fishery products to Jakarta. The only way, he continued, is to build a foundation in fishing villages. ''So, catch fish today, the afternoon can be brought to Jakarta. 're Only an hour,''assertive mother of three children and one grandchild is.

Unlike if you have to use a landline which could take up to nine hours. Arriving in Jakarta, many dead fish. In fact, if dead, the selling price could drop in half.

''We began to enter the banking business plan in 2000, but did not sell. Ma Diketawain banks and people were crazy. Want to buy a plane to USD 2 million, how can the same fish shrimp can pay, he said,''Cruz said.

Only in 2004, Bank Mandiri trust and lend USD 4.7 million (about USD 47 billion) to build a foundation and bought two Cessna Grand Caravan. Nevertheless, only a month used, there was the tsunami disaster in Aceh. Our 27''Date berangkatkan one aircraft to help. It became the first plane that landed in Meulabouh. The 28th we got another one. We bring the rice, instant noodles, water and tents,''he said.

Initially, Susi intend to help the distribution of basic food items free of charge for two weeks. But, when they wanted to return, many nongovernmental organizations that request still participate in the recovery in Aceh.

''They want us to pay for aircraft rental. Our one and a half years working there. From there, Susi Air can buy one airplane again,''he explained.

The development of an aircraft leasing business continues to soar. Debt from Bank Mandiri approximately USD 47 billion now living 20 percent. ''Another year completed. Only three more installments. From the BRI, some just starting cicil. If total, all of them (borrowing from banks) is more than Rp 2 trillion. Return on investment (return on investment) if the flight can be 10-15 years because of expensive,''he said.

Susi not only in business aircraft wings and spreading nets in the sea. Now, he penetrated the plantation business. Still, he admits there are many hurdles that must be passed. Fisheries''we had almost loses because the tsunami in Pagandaran in 2005. We had two years of work is not no fish,''he said.

For flight routes such as Jakarta, Pangandaran Java, Bandung-Pangandaran and Jakarta-Cilacap, Susi said it still loses money. Because, sometimes there are only 3-4 passengers. With an average ticket price of USD 500 thousand, the income was not enough to buy fuel. A month''routes could Java loss of Rp 300 million-USD 400 million. But, is it covered from the outside of Java. Anyway, it is also useful for the transport of our fisheries,''he said.

Susi had to put his fish buyers because they are very sensitive to the freshness of the fish. Once transport in a single plane, he could put 1.1 tons of fresh fish or lobster. The buyers from Hong Kong and Japan every day waiting in Jakarta. Business''fish and lobsters are still roads and our aviation business will continue to develop. Next year we hope to be able to have 60 aircraft,''he said with optimism. (C5/leak)

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Susi Pudjiastuti; First basket of fish, now Have 50 Aircraft Sale Ring to the Capital, Bank Lending and Tought Crazy

[Tuesday, March 23, 2010]

His decision came out of school at the age of 17 years is very regrettable two parents. However, thanks to perseverance and hard work, now has 50 aircraft Pudjiastuti Susi and quality of fish processing factories for export market.

AGUS Wirawan, Pangandaran

The wind was blowing at sea that brought the Cessna approached Beach Post Java Pangandaran, West Java. After spinning all over the blue waters, with a capacity of 10 passenger aircraft is then dipped, then landed on a beautiful beach.

Runway construction, typical take-off and landing was made from a mixture of compacted sand-stone. ''This is a private airport (private property). The length of one kilometer,''said a middle-aged woman with a friendly, welcoming Java Pos.

His name is Susi Pudjiastuti, president director of PT milk Pudjiastuti engaged in fisheries and PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation, which operates flights Susi Air. Curly reddish hair, his voice hoarse, raspy, yet sociable demeanor.

Not only fluent English that comes out of his mouth when talking with its pilots that Caucasian. Susi-familiar call-and also use of Sundanese and Javanese occasionally to his aides.

''What I like learning languages aja. What is important to make angry and commanding. Because, with that, I can work,''he said then laughed.

Today, the woman born in Pangandaran, January 15, 1965, has 50 units of various types of aircraft. Among others, the Grand Caravan 208B, Piaggio Avanti II, Pilate Porter, and the Diamond DA 42. Most of the aircraft was operated outside of Java such as Papua and Kalimantan.

''There is hired. However, there is operated solely by Susi Air. Usually used in border areas by local governments or the private sector,''the woman explained that her right calf with a phoenix tattooed images that dangling tail.

Susi did not peg the price of aircraft leasing in particular. Therefore, this depends on the services requested party tenants. The rent also varies, but an average of USD 400-USD 500 per hour.

Sometimes''there is going to USD 600-USD 700 per hour. Oil companies want to pay USD 1000 for disparate service levels required. For the purposes of flying, all appliances provided Susi Air. Aircraft, pilots, and fuel. So that they live nett price to pay,''he asserted.

Susi business talent seen since I was young. Tough stance and willingness imprinted Susi at the age of 17 years. He decided to quit school when class II high school. Not wanting to live in a way nebeng parents, he tries to live independently. But, the reality is not as easy as one might imagine.

''Just take a diploma school, if so what are my working ngelamar. My do not want a mediocre,''he said.

The hard work was dilakoni time. Started to sell clothes, bedcovers, until the results of the earth like cloves. Every day, Susi had to get around town is preserved using motorcycles to market their wares. Until, he realizes that potential is preserved in the field of fisheries. Start''I want to fish for sale every day at hundreds of fishermen,''he said.

In 1983, armed with USD 750 thousand, the result of fashion jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, and rings his own, following in the footsteps Susi Pangandaran many women who worked as a basket of fish. Every morning at certain hours, he chipped the others huddled together in TPI (places of fish auction). ''On the first day, I can just one kilogram of fish, purchased a small restaurant acquaintance of mine,''he said.

Not enough just in Pangandaran, Susi started thinking expands its market to the big cities like Jakarta. Than just hire him, he would then buy a truck with ice and cooling systems to bring fresh fish to Jakarta. ''Every day, three o'clock, I went from Pangandaran. Until the middle of the night in Jakarta, then back again to Pangandaran,''he said, remembering the heavy routine work in the past.

Although successful in business, Susi admitted failure in terms of romance. Female admirers in the world of puppet figures of Semar's claim was three times married. But, he arungi Plow with three blue and beautiful as her husband did not Pangandaran Beach. All foundered.

From the latter her husband, Christian von Strombeck, the Wonder Woman's got the inspiration to develop the aviation business. ''He was an aviation engineer,''he continued.

The Christian is an expatriate who has worked in IPTN (Nusantara Aircraft Industry, now PT DI). Early introduction to his French origin that occur because of frequent travel to Christian's Restaurant Hilmans Susi at Pangandaran Beach. Starting as a brief introduction, Christian eventually apply for Susi. Restaurants''I was busy. 70-100 visitors a day can be,''he said.

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