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Tuesday, 23 February 2010

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Running a business is challenging, creative, and flexible for the future of a person and becomes own boss. Besides making money, also creates new ways of life. Become entrepreneurs require a review to the fore, persistence, and courage. You will get out of your comfort zone that gives you a paycheck and stepping into territory that business world is uncertain.
Entrepreneurship requires a different character. Do you have these characters?

How do you know which one is better, an employee with a monthly salary or a successful entrepreneur? Although there is no formula that guarantees success of the business, according to several studies there is some specific characters owned businesses.

1. Having Confidence:
To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have confidence extraordinary. Are you willing to overcome all obstacles and achieve your goals?
If you have confidence you can do it, it will provide all the necessary confidence. Can you calculate your self confidence?. Of course you can do it, by trying to push yourself to do a little more than usual every day. And soon, you'll find yourself finishing the things that may have previously considered impossible.

2. Having Faith In The Future of Your Business:
Ask yourself whether you really believe the effort you are doing. If you are not too sure, you need to keep looking until you can determine the one thing which you are willing to commit. To succeed in business, you have to focus for 24 hours a day. You will continue to build, repair, and investment. This requires a commitment of extraordinary self.

3. Focus On Your Strength:
Every person has strengths and weaknesses. To become an effective entrepreneur, you need to determine your strengths and focus. You will be more successful with your efforts can mengkanalkan in your best area. For example, if marketing is your expertise, then you need to sharpen those skills and use fully in the business. And ask for assistance in the areas of your weaknesses, such as looking for an accountant. You can even turn weakness into strength by practicing or studying these areas.

4. Skills has Recognizing Opportunity:
If your business destroyed the next day, how would you react? May regard as a great loss, or as an opportunity to make a new beginning - to improve, grow, build again?
Successful entrepreneurs see things as a source of opportunity. They have a curious nature and ask all things. Not looking at what is before him, they always wondering if there are ways to do things better. And if they think that there is a better way, they will find a solution by itself or get help from experts. Also, opportunities can be found in many ways and places, and with the help of the Internet, many opportunities are knocking on your computer screen. If you are a true entrepreneur, you'll see opportunities everywhere.

5. Being Decision Makers:
If you need some information, Could you get it quickly, without wasting people's time or your time?. Put down separately, if you have to make decisions, Could you find the information you need quickly enough, and then make a decision? Or will you delay, until at the fact you have not made a decision? Becoming an entrepreneur involves a lot of making decisions. Remember that each decision you make, regardless of how important at the time of emergence, will affect your business. Most successful entrepreneurs have accurate instincts, which they use when they have doubts.

6. Becoming A Leader:
You can not do everything yourself. There are times when you need staff, meet with investors, applying for loans - so, you play as a leader. If you do not have the ability to lead, you will not be able to get followers. As corporate leaders, the people you employ will see you as role models and support. Describe the ability of support and proper guidance is the basis of your success as an entrepreneur in a large scope.
Thinking successful .... Desire ... Well planned .... Working hard ... Want to learn ... Diligent and have faith ... Leading by example is the character to be a successful entrepreneur.

source web

Cara Menjadi Pengusaha Sukses

Menjalankan usaha adalah hal yang menantang, kreatif, dan fleksibel bagi masa depan seseorang serta menjadi bos bagi diri sendiri. Disamping mendapatkan penghasilan, juga menciptakan cara hidup baru dalam kehidupan. Menjadi pengusaha memerlukan tinjauan kedepan, kegigihan, dan keberanian. Anda akan keluar dari zona nyaman yang memberikan anda gaji dan melangkah kedalam teritori dunia usaha yang belum pasti.
Kewirausahaan memerlukan karakter yang berbeda. Apakah anda memiliki karakter tersebut?

Bagaimana anda tahu mana yang lebih baik, menjadi karyawan dengan gaji bulanan atau pengusaha sukses? Meskipun tidak ada rumusan yang menjamin keberhasilan usaha, menurut beberapa studi terdapat beberapa karakter tertentu yang dimiliki pengusaha.

1. Memiliki Kepercayaan Diri:
Untuk menjadi pengusaha sukses, anda perlu memiliki keyakinan diri yang luar biasa. Apakah anda bersedia mengatasi semua hambatan dan mencapai tujuan anda?
Jika anda memiliki keyakinan anda bisa melakukannya, maka akan memberikan semua keyakinan yang diperlukan. Dapatkah anda menghitung keyakinan diri anda sendiri?. Tentu saja anda dapat melakukannya, dengan mencoba mendorong diri anda untuk melakukan sedikit lebih banyak dari yang biasa dilakukan setiap harinya. Dan tidak lama, anda akan menemukan diri anda menyelesaikan hal-hal yang mungkin sebelumnya dianggap tidak mungkin.

2. Memiliki Keyakinan Pada Masa Depan Usaha Anda:
Tanyakan pada diri anda, apakah anda benar-benar yakin dengan usaha yang anda lakukan. Jika anda tidak terlalu yakin, anda perlu terus mencarinya hingga anda dapat menentukan satu hal dimana anda bersedia berkomitmen. Agar berhasil di bisnis, anda harus fokus selama 24 jam sehari. Anda akan terus membangun, memperbaiki, dan investasi. Hal ini memerlukan komitmen diri yang luar biasa.

3. Fokus Pada Kekuatan Anda:
Setiap orang memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan. Untuk menjadi pengusaha yang efektif, anda perlu menentukan kekuatan anda dan fokus. Anda akan lebih berhasil dengan mampu mengkanalkan upaya anda ke dalam area terbaik anda. Misalnya, jika marketing adalah keahlian anda, maka anda perlu mempertajam keahlian tersebut dan menggunakan sepenuhnya dalam bisnis. Serta minta bantuan di bidang yang menjadi kelemahan anda, seperti mencari akuntan. Anda bahkan dapat mengubah kelemahan menjadi kekuatan dengan berlatih atau mempelajari area tersebut.

4. Memiliki Keterampilan Mengenali Peluang:
Jika bisnis anda hancur ke esokan harinya, bagaimana anda menyikapinya? Mungkin menganggap sebagai kerugian yang besar, atau sebagai peluang untuk membuat awal baru - untuk meningkatkan, tumbuh, membangun kembali?
Pengusaha yang berhasil melihat segala sesuatunya sebagai sumber peluang. Mereka memiliki sifat ingin tahu dan bertanya segala hal. Tidak memandang apa yang ada dihadapannya, mereka selalu bertanya-tanya jika ada cara melakukan hal dengan lebih baik. Dan jika mereka berpikir bahwa memang ada jalan yang lebih baik, mereka akan menemukan solusi dengan sendirinya atau mendapatkan bantuan dari ahli. Juga, peluang dapat ditemukan dengan banyak cara dan tempat, dan dengan bantuan internet, banyak peluang yang mengetuk layar komputer anda. Jika anda pengusaha sejati, anda akan melihat peluang dimanapun.

5. Menjadi Pengambil Keputusan:
Jika anda memerlukan beberapa informasi, mampukah anda mendapatkannya dengan cepat, tanpa membuang waktu orang lain atau waktu anda?.Letakkan secara terpisah, jika anda harus membuat keputusan, mampukah anda mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan cukup cepat dan kemudian membuat keputusan? Atau akankah anda menunda-nunda, sampai pada kenyataan anda belum membuat keputusan? Menjadi seorang pengusaha melibatkan banyak membuat keputusan. Ingatlah bahwa masing-masing keputusan yang anda buat, tanpa memperdulikan seberapa penting pada saat munculnya, akan mempengaruhi bisnis anda. Kebanyakan pengusaha sukses memiliki insting yang akurat, yang mereka gunakan pada saat mereka merasa ragu.

6. Menjadi Seorang Pemimpin:
Anda tidak mungkin melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri. Ada saatnya anda memerlukan pegawai, menemui investor, mengajukan pinjaman - sehingga, anda berperan sebagai seorang pemimpin. Jika anda tidak memiliki kemampuan memimpin, anda tidak akan mampu mendapatkan pengikut. Sebagai pemimpin perusahaan, orang yang anda pekerjakan akan melihat anda sebagai panutan dan dukungan. Kemampuan memperikan dukungan dan panduan yang benar adalah dasar keberhasilan anda sebagai pengusaha di lingkup yang besar.
Berpikir berhasil.... Memiliki hasrat... Merencanakan dengan baik.... Bekerja keras... Mau belajar... Tekun dan memiliki keyakinan... Memimpin dengan memberikan contoh adalah karakter menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses.

sumber web




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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Step by Step How to Create a Twitter Account

Because the post how to register and create a twitter account a lot of crow or less successful when registering twitter. Finally I make more steps and I'll detail more clearly. mudah2an with these steps can not all twitter list can now register and start using twitter.
By the way, for which a blackberry do not forget to read the top twitter tools for blackberries. So the twitter updates to the maximum and can make money and can market your business. Well, immediately wrote to the step by step how to create a twitter account.

1. Open from your browser.

Click Sign up now

3. Fill in the data below
FULL NAME: pribari full name, organization or company
USERNAME: as our twitter account ID such as @Indahfashion
PASSWORD: keywords when entered into twitter
EMAIL: email is used if we forget our password
do not forget to fill the box "type the words above" this for you is a human make sure not a robo t:)

4. This example, so that you more clearly
5. click creat2 my account

6. then you will be offered to search for your friends who use twitter via your email, if I usually skip :)

7. you will be on offer to follow (follow) some popular accounts, if you want to please

7. you will be on offer to follow (follow) some popular accounts, if you want to please

finished ... you twitter ready... if ya follow me at @Indahfashion and if you've managed to comment ya on the link below and you'll twitter you can follow each other. OK? Thank you
source web

Step by Step Cara Membuat Account Twitter

Karena di post cara mendaftar dan membuat account twitter banyak yang gagak atau kurang berhasil saat mendaftar twitter. Akhirnya saya buat lagi langkah-langkahnya biar lebih jelas dan detail. mudah2an dengan langkah-langkah ini semua yang belum bisa daftar twitter sekarang sudah bisa daftar dan mulai menggunakan twitter.

By the way, buat yang punya blackberry jangan lupa baca top twitter tools untuk blackberry . Jadi update twitter bisa maksimal dan bisa menghasilkan uang dan bisa memasarkan bisnis anda. Nah, langsung aja ke step by step cara membuat account twitter.

1. Buka dari browser kamu.

2. Klik Sign up now

3. Isi data-data dibawah ini
FULL NAME : nama lengkap pribari, organisasi atau perusahaan
USERNAME: sebagai ID account twitter kita misalnya @Indahfashion
PASSWORD: kata kunci saat masuk ke twitter
EMAIL: email yang digunakan jika kita lupa password kita
jangan lupa untuk mengisi kotak “type the words above” ini untuk memastika anda adalah manusia bukan robot :)

4. ini contohnya, supaya anda lebih jelas

5. klik creat2 my account

6. kemudian anda akan ditawarkan untuk mencari teman anda yang menggunakan twitter melalui email anda, kalau saya biasanya skip aja :)

7. anda akan di tawarkan untuk follow (mengikuti) beberapa account populer, kalau anda mau silahkan

8. silahkan cek email yang telah anda masukan di registrasi awal dan klik link konfirmasinya.

selesai… twitter anda sudai siap… kalau udah follow saya ya di @Indahfashion dan kalau anda sudah berhasil comment ya di bawah dan kasih link twitter anda biar bisa saling follow. oke?Thank you… :)

sumber web




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Monday, 15 February 2010

Guide How to Create a Facebook Account2

Facebook has a verification system is quite strict naming convention. They (actually) only allows the use your real name as display name. If you use a nickname, especially those that contain numerical elements, or use a large font style irritating little s3P3rt1 abg IN1, ready - ready to fill in the fields again for the request as a member of your application will be rejected.

Ok, now have entered your email account?

Already received an e-mail verification from facebook?

Now open the email, and click the link provided in the e-mail

Voila! You are taken to a facebook page! Your facebook account already so! : D

Well, facebook trying to make the application as comfortable as possible is used. Therefore, the first page you encounter now is the getting started page. Guide launch for facebook.

Starting your activities on Facebook

1. Now, you are confronted with a feature on "import friend" from your e-mail address. how easy, simply write your email address and password. But if you want to, skip it by pressing the link skip this step in the
2. Now, you are confronted with a form in Fill Out Jordan Profile Info. Fill in your information about schools, universities, and where you work, this feature makes it easy "friend finder" will
3. After the second step, you will be given a blank form to select the network. Network in facebook is a serious division feature, and do not play - play with it. Click the link below other countries in the fields, and select Indonesia. Click Join.

Well Done! The process to register your facebook is fine. Understanding the panel facebook with you can do with the passage of time. But in the basics, basic understanding of the panel - a panel facebook will be discussed in the next post.

Now, you can start experimenting with the various features of facebook. Start?

* Start by filling in your profile, so other people can find you easily
* Start looking for your friends, and add to Friendlist! we'll do it networking?

Facebook your start page is blank. Soon the content that you can be recognized by others
Additional info: Facebook already supports the language! Create Your Facebook Account change language

Well, for you are not proficient in English, no need to fear and anxiety, especially anxiety (* gak). Facebook already supports our national language, and the result was quite good. : D
How to make your facebook account change language

1. Look at the bottom of the page. No writing Bahasa (U.S.)?
2. Click the link, should launch a dropdown
3. Click the Indonesian
4. Voila! Now view your facebook Indonesia's language. : D

Easy right? ;)

source: web, facebook

Facebook additional socialization than can be used for gaming, business:)

So become Indah Fashion Fan with pleasure ;), click here

Guide How to Create a Facebook Account

Well, we think an introductory tutorial on how to create guidelines facebook account and understand the basics - the basic interface to facebook published first, before we go any further "explore" things that facebook is provided to support the blogging activities. Right? ;) So here we go:

DISCLAIMER: how to's are perhaps a bit stale for some people (who already have a facebook account), but we never knew that there were things that we miss it? ;)
Guide How to Create a Facebook Account

1. Going to the home page facebook
2. Found 5 column titled Sign Up - it's free and anyone can join? Ok, the contents of that column.
3. Your full name in Full Name column
4. Your e-mail address (Which you use) in column Your Email
5. The password you want in the field New Password
6. Your gender in I Am, Man to man - Female to male and female
7. Your birth date on birthday
8. Click Sign Up.
9. After clicking sign up, you will get captcha, or image verification. One method to determine if you really - really human or just spam bots, spamming programs. Now, consider the random writings listed, and write in the column Text in the box. Click to sign up again

Security Check, make sure you are human. Type in a random text box that you see

After this procedure, a page with a thank-you-to-sign-up-then-check-email-you will appear. Now, open your e-mail address.
In a minute, I can not sign up for facebook? You rejected by Facebook?

Facebook has a verification system is quite strict naming convention. They (actually) only allows the use your real name as display name. If you use a nickname, especially those that contain numerical elements, or use a large font style irritating little s3P3rt1 abg IN1, ready - ready to fill in the fields again for the request as a member of your application will be rejected.

Ok, now have entered your email account?

Already received an e-mail verification from facebook?

Now open the email, and click the link provided in the e-mail

Voila! You are taken to a facebook page! Your facebook account already so! : D

Well, facebook trying to make the application as comfortable as possible is used. Therefore, the first page you encounter now is the getting started page. Guide launch for facebook.

Starting your activities on Facebook

1. Now, you are confronted with a feature on "import friend" from your e-mail address. how easy, simply write your email address and password. But if you want to, skip it by pressing the link skip this step in the
2. Now, you are confronted with a form in Fill Out Jordan Profile Info. Fill in your information about schools, universities, and where you work, this feature makes it easy "friend finder" will
3. After the second step, you will be given a blank form to select the network. Network in facebook is a serious division feature, and do not play - play with it. Click the link below other countries in the fields, and select Indonesia. Click Join.

Well Done! The process to register your facebook is fine. Understanding the panel facebook seiiring you can do with the passage of time. But in the basics, basic understanding of the panel - a panel facebook will be discussed in the next post.

Now, you can start experimenting with the various features of facebook. Start?

* Start by filling in your profile, so other people can find you easily
* Start looking for your friends, and add to Friendlist! we'll do it networking?

Security Check, make sure you are human. Type in a random text box that you see

After this procedure, a page with a thank-you-to-sign-up-then-check-email-you will appear. Now, open your e-mail address.
In a minute, I can not sign up for facebook? You rejected by Facebook?
source: web, facebook

Facebook additional socialization than can be used for gaming, business:)

So become Indah Fashion Fan with pleasure ;), click here

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