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Monday, 20 February 2012

Land For Lease offers direct billboard advertiser company. Pairs billboard own company

Offering only lease land for billboard advertisers the company directly. Billboardnya company installed its own. Own land with ownership certificate. A land area of ​​500 M2. Soil is very strategic location next Toll Road West Ringroad, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. Windshield land position (see the rearview mirror), eye cathing (immediately visible), so many cars and people pass. Are on track a lot of access. Near the apartments, offices, hotel Castle Mansion, gas station, car showroom, Castle Mall.

Sorry, only the company directly and attach billlboard advertisers themselves. Not accept intermediaries (brokers / agents). Detail Direct SMS / Phone contact Marwati, 0815 1420 4342.

Please do not be abused (no spam).

Penawaran Sewa Tanah Untuk billboard langsung perusahaan pemasang iklan. Perusahaan pasang billboardnya sendiri

Penawaran hanya sewa tanah untuk billboard langsung perusahaan pemasang iklan. Perusahaan memasang billboardnya sendiri. Tanah milik sendiri dengan sertifikat hak milik. Luas tanah 500 M2. Lokasi tanah sangat strategis depan Jalan Tol Ringroad Barat, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat. Posisi tanah windshield (terlihat kaca spion) , eye cathing ( langsung terlihat), jadi banyak di lalui kendaraan dan orang. Berada di jalur banyak akses. Dekat apartemen, perkantoran ,hotel Puri Mansion, pom bensin, show room mobil, Mall Puri.

Maaf, Hanya langsung perusahaan pemasang iklan dan pasang billlboardnya sendiri. Tidak menerima perantara(calo/agen).Detail langsung SMS/Telp hubungi Marwati,0815 1420 4342.

Tolong jangan disalahgunakan (no spam).

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Vespa klasik yang gaul muncul di video klip ,film, sinetron,iklan

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.

william gomez pakai vespa di klip bidadari , sigle band
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Vespa di Film

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Vespa clasic
Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete document Quick Response YM,
Author Book Bunda Tahan Banting Tips Jadi Ibu Rumah Tangga Penting & jago berbisnis.
Fan FB, IndahFashion

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

5 Reasons Why Having a Vespa Part II

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


“Sembra Una Vespa!!”The word came out of an Enrico Piaggio, when the motor design Corradino D'Ascanio was finished. Over time, vespa motor became so legendary. Vespa Sedert famous artist made as a list of his collection. No doubt, what kind of film that uses the vehicle vespa as its theme. Not only that, vespa, was a trendsetter, even to influence people to give birth to a new culture. Twisted fashion, design inspired by the music of the Italian bee named Vespa. Here collect 5 reasons why someone should meimiliki vespa:

A. Investment

Ali is like a rock, has a Vespa in principle you're investing. The older vespa you have, the more inflated the price of selling your Vespa. For example, vespa production in '50 and '60s, especially for a particular series, the selling price could be equal to the purchase price of the latest motor. There's even a fantastic figure soared to tens of millions. So many "players" who are ready to appreciate your Vespa with the lure of the dollar and euro. Because out there, a series of Caucasians in the waiting list, waiting for a Vespa to be trafficked into the country there.

2. Saves Money

You can buy any bike you want. But having a Vespa, in principle you're doing "austerity" budget your finances. Do not ask how much tax per year, you have to spend, certainly, far more efficient than other new motor. Likewise with the required fuel consumption, which would have been much more efficient than the latest scooter.

3. Exciting Adventure

Vespa Berskuteria with fellow users, must be very pleasant. If assembled, luggage when touring outside of baseball, rolling thunder in the afternoon, city, or just hanging out in cafes option. But if you have an adventurous spirit as well as Giorgio Bertinelli who sailed around the world 250 000 km on a Vespa. All of these experiences, it becomes an exciting adventure you will never forget, of course.

4. New Friends
If you are happy with the social life and want to get a lot of new friends, cibalah joined the local Vespa community in your city. They offer a variety of activities ranging from picnics, roadtrips to the problematic issues surrounding the sharing of the world Vespa. It will make you much more with applicable your Vespa.

5. Secure parking

You never have a problem finding a parking place for your Vespa. And you also do not have to worry about the risk of losing on your Vespa. Because the Vespa is relatively safe. In the meantime, the risk of losing Vespa is much smaller than the other new bikes. (**)

Source Dari berbagai sumber,, Januari 2012
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Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete document Quick Response YM,

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5 Alasan Mengapa Memiliki Vespa Bagian II

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


“Sembra Una Vespa!!” demikian kata yang terlontar dari seorang Enrico Piaggio, ketika motor rancangan Corradino D’Ascanio itu jadi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, motor vespa menjadi begitu melegenda. Sedert artis ternama menjadikan vespa sebagai daftar koleksinya. Tak ayal, berapa jenis film yang menggunakan kendaraan vespa sebagai temanya. Tidak hanya itu, vespa-pun menjadi trendsetter, bahkan meng-influence orang hingga melahirkan kultur baru. Geliat fashion, design hingga musik terinspirasi dari si lebah Itali bernama vespa. Berikut himpun 5 alasan mengapa seseorang harus meimiliki vespa:

1. Investasi

Ibarat batu ali, memiliki Vespa pada prinsipnya Anda sedang berinvestasi. Semakin tua vespa yang Anda miliki, semakin melambung pula harga jual Vespa Anda. Sebagai contoh, vespa produksi tahun ’50 dan ’60-an, apalagi untuk seri tertentu, harga jualnya bisa setara dengan harga beli motor teranyar. Bahkan ada yang melambung sampai ke angka fantastis puluhan juta. Begitu banyak “pemain” yang siap menghargai vespa Anda dengan iming-iming mata uang dollar maupun euro. Karena di luar sana, sederet bule dalam daftar tunggu, menantikan sebuah Vespa untuk bisa diboyong ke negerinya sana.

2. Menghemat Uang

Anda dapat membeli motor manapun yang Anda mau. Tetapi memiliki Vespa, pada prinsipnya Anda sedang melakukan “penghematan” anggaran keuangan Anda. Jangan tanya berapa pajak per tahunnya yang harus Anda keluarkan, yang pasti, jauh lebih hemat dibandingkan motor baru lainnya. Begitupun dengan konsumsi bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan, yang pasti jauh lebih irit dibandingkan skuter teranyar.

3. Petualangan Seru

Berskuteria dengan sesama pengguna Vespa, pastilah sangat menyenangkan. Jika berkumpul, bawaannya kalau enggak touring luar kota, rolling thunder di sorenya kota, atau sekedar nongkrong di café-café pilihan. Tetapi jika jiwa petualang yang Anda miliki seperti halnya Giorgio Bertinelli yang mengarungi 250 000 km mengelilingi dunia dengan Vespa. Semua pengalaman tersebut, menjadi sebuah petualangan seru yang tidak akan pernah Anda lupakan tentunya.

4. Teman Baru

Jika Anda adalah orang senang dengan jiwa sosial dan ingin mendapatkan banyak teman baru, cibalah bergabung dengan komunitas Vespa lokal di kota Anda. Mereka menawarkan berbagai kegiatan mulai dari piknik, roadtrips sampai sharing mengenai problematika permasalahan seputar dunia Vespa. Hal itu akan menjadikan Anda jauh lebih menganal Vespa Anda.

5. Aman Parkir

Anda tidak pernah memiliki masalah mencari tempat parkir untuk Vespa Anda. Dan Andapun tak perlu dikhawatirkan dengan resiko kehilangan terhadap Vespa Anda. Karena Vespa relatif aman. Untuk sementara ini, resiko kehilangan Vespa jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan motor-motor baru lainnya.(**)

Sumber: Dari berbagai sumber,, Januari 2012
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Vespa clasic

Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete document Quick Response YM,

Author Book Bunda Tahan Banting Tips Jadi Ibu Rumah Tangga Penting & jago berbisnis.
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Fan FB, IndahFashion

Thursday, 2 February 2012

5 Reasons Why Having a Vespa Part I

Sale Vespa classic Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete Quick Response YM, serous buyer sms/call to 021 27319440. Sms/call every day (call only at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB). pin bb butikbranded 23260A13.


"Una Sembra Vespa!" The word that came out of an Enrico Piaggio, when the motor design Corradino D'Ascanio was finished. Over time, become so legendary Vespa motor. Sedert renowned artists made the Vespa as a list of his collection. No doubt, what type of film that uses the vehicle Vespa as its theme. Not only that, vespa-was a trendsetter, even to influence people to give birth a new culture. Twisted fashion, design to music inspired by the Italian bee named Vespa. Here collect 5 reasons why someone should meimiliki Vespa:

1. Riding the Legend

When people are asked, who is a pioneer scooter in the world? The answer must be, Vespa or Lambretta. As a pioneer who became a legend, an inspiration for the manufacturer Vespa-scooter manufacturers that exist today. Its presence has a separate icon. Vintage theme in a variety of design ideas that certainly smelled a classic, always memgingatkan anyone on the figure of the Vespa.

2. Become a Trendsetter

A row of icons design, famous star, even the world's top artists, such as Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Naomie Watts, Owen Wilson or people like Mickey Rourke and even John Wayne and sexy woman like Sharon Stone, or Paris Hilton, seen attached to the bees Italian Vespa. Maybe you can not have the same car with what is owned by them, but at least you have the same scooter with them, the Vespa.

3. Fashionable

You may never know the Mod? A subculture that developed in England in the decade of the '60s. From Scooters, Music to Fashion becomes mandatory elements they use. Stretching fashionista style mod is also growing rapidly, along digandrunginya Vespa by many young people of the world. There are some mandatory dress code admirer mod world, which was so thick with the iconic Vespa. Well-known brands such as Ben Sherman, Baracuta (Harrington Jacket), Fred Perry, Adidas, until Parkha Jacket (M65, M50) American soldiers, ready to dye your appearance in the air-Vespa-ria.

4. Romantic

Said many people, riding a Vespa with a beloved partner is "It's a romantic moment". With rode a fantastic position, with a relative velocity santei make the atmosphere more romantic. Especially if the goal that we are headed is an open park in the mountains. Armed with a picnic basket sets such as juice drinks, sandwiches, potato and a piece of cloth as a base, the more you are guaranteed to fall in love with your partner. Of course the Vespa, the background is not!

5. Many Friends

Try to not ever use the Vespa. If you do not nod, wave of the hand, horn, until the lights blink, will color your trip, if passed by other fellow users Vespa. Do not worry if you strike the motor on the road, because someone you do not know though, will approach you and offer assistance Vespa. That's a strong brotherhood among fellow users Vespa. Because with her Vespa, you're reaping the friendship at its core .(**)

Sumber: Dari berbagai sumber,, Januari 2012

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Vespa clasic

Only For Vespa Classic &fast ,complete document Quick Response YM,

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