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Sunday, 4 April 2010

Info photo contest baby pigeon cheerful young stars

Let all of Indonesia to enjoy the cheerful expression special Baby! Follow the national baby photo contest Cheerful Baby Pigeon Young Stars during the period February 1, 2010 until May 31, 2010.

Category I: 0 - 12 months (born February 1, 2009 - February 1, 2010)
Category II: 12 - 24 months (born February 1, 2008 - 1 February 2009)

6 National Champion will be selected for each category that will become a model Pigeon .*
In addition 6 winners will be selected for each category of Entertainment from each area (Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Central Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and islands in East Indonesia region).

National Champion Prize per category:
- National Winner - National IV Champion Rp 25,000,000 - Rp 2,000,000
- National Second Place - Rp 15,000,000 National Champion V - Rp 2,000,000
- National Third Place - National VI Champion Rp 10,000,000 - Rp 2,000,000
6th Prize winner per category Entertainment each area:
@ Rp 1,000,000 for each of the winners of each category


1. Send recent photo with cheerful expression Pigeon product size 4 R by attaching:
Packaging Pigeon anything and 1 packaging Pigeon Baby Toiletries (Shampoo, 2 in 1 Wash, Soap, Liquid Soap, Hair Lotion, Lotion, Powder, Cream, Oil, Warming Oil, Cologne, Toothpaste) applies for 1 sheet of photo .
Structural proof of product purchase
Participants may submit more than 1 photo

2. Beneath the photo write:
The full name and place / date of birth child
Full address and telephone number
Name of Father / Mother and identity card numbers of parents

3. Include the type of category in the upper left corner of the envelope

The requirements of the contest can be submitted directly or sent no later than May 31, 2010 date of the postmark to the address:
Pigeon Marketing, PT. Multi Indocitra., Jl. East Cideng 73-74 Jakarta 10160

or enter into the promotion box Cheerful Baby Photo Contest Pigeon Young Stars are available in leading outlets in their respective areas.

For more information, contact: or Farah
(021.345.7777 ext 154 / 0859.215.83630)

Cheerful Baby Star Contest Promo Pigeon Young does not apply to employees, the families of PT. Multi Indocitra. and its ad agency.
Announcement of winners: July 2010 in the print media. Jury decisions can not be contested.

Promo is no charge. Pigeon gift tax paid. Beware of scams.

* Terms and conditions apply

Info lomba foto bayi ceria bintang belia pigeon

Biarkan seluruh Indonesia ikut menikmati istimewanya ekspresi ceria sang Buah Hati! Ikuti lomba foto bayi nasional Bayi Ceria Bintang Belia PIGEON selama periode 1 Februari 2010 s/d 31 Mei 2010.

Kategori I: 0 - 12 bulan (Lahir 1 Februari 2009 - 1 Februari 2010)
Kategori II: 12 - 24 bulan (Lahir 1 Februari 2008 - 1 Februari 2009)

Akan dipilih 6 Juara Nasional untuk tiap kategori yang akan menjadi model PIGEON.*
Selain itu akan dipilih 6 Pemenang Hiburan untuk tiap kategori dari masing-masing area (DKI, JABAR, JATIM, JATENG, SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, BALI dan pulau-pulau di wilayah Indonesia Timur).

Hadiah Juara Nasional per Kategori:
- Juara I Nasional - Rp 25.000.000 Juara IV Nasional - Rp 2.000.000
- Juara II Nasional - Rp 15.000.000 Juara V Nasional - Rp 2.000.000
- Juara III Nasional - Rp 10.000.000 Juara VI Nasional - Rp 2.000.000
Hadiah 6 Pemenang Hiburan tiap area per kategori:
@ Rp 1.000.000 untuk masing-masing pemenang dari tiap kategori


1. Kirimkan foto terbaru �ekspresi ceria bersama produk Pigeon� ukuran 4 R dengan melampirkan:
� Kemasan Pigeon apa saja dan 1 kemasan Pigeon Baby Toiletries (Shampoo, Wash 2 in 1, Soap, Liquid Soap, Hair Lotion, Lotion, Powder, Cream, Oil, Warming Oil, Cologne, Toothpaste) berlaku untuk 1 lembar foto.
� Struk bukti pembelian produk
� Peserta boleh mengirimkan lebih dari 1 foto

2. Di balik foto tuliskan:
� Nama lengkap dan tempat/tanggal lahir anak
� Alamat lengkap dan nomor telepon
� Nama Ayah/Ibu dan nomor KTP orang tua

3. Cantumkan jenis kategori di sudut kiri atas amplop

Seluruh persyaratan lomba dapat diserahkan secara langsung atau dikirim selambat-lambatnya tanggal 31 Mei 2010 cap pos ke alamat:
Marketing Pigeon, PT. Multi Indocitra Tbk., Jl. Cideng Timur 73-74 Jakarta 10160

atau masukkan ke dalam box promosi Lomba Foto Bayi Ceria Bintang Belia Pigeon yang tersedia di outlet terkemuka di masing-masing area.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi: id atau Farah
(021.345.7777 ext 154 /0859.215.83630)

Promo Lomba Bayi Ceria Bintang Belia Pigeon tidak berlaku bagi karyawan, keluarga PT. Multi Indocitra Tbk. dan biro iklannya.
Pengumuman pemenang: Juli 2010 di media cetak. Keputusan Juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Promo ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun. Pajak hadiah ditanggung PIGEON. Hati-hati terhadap penipuan.

*syarat dan ketentuan berlaku




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